Your Favorite Tang/Surgeonfish

Blue Unicorn is my favorite tang. Too bad its that it is too large for my tank. I've also seen pics of the black hippo tang and the yellow belly blue tang which is soo cool and too hard get, otherwise my blue hippo tang is the coolest tang I have.
Sorry for the small picture. This should be better.

do you have any pictures or links of the yellow belly or black hippo? i would like to see what they look like.
I'm sorry I dont have any picture, I actually saw the picture here on reef central. I forgot the name of those threads. But do a search on them.
I like the black tang with the round red-filled circle near the tail. I'm thing it is the Achilles tang? Anyway, that is the one I enjoy seeing at the LFS. The powder blues are gorgeous, but I've never tried to keep one. I always hear that they are tough to succeed with.
well nobody picked my 2 favs so what about the Atlantic Blue and Convict tangs? i have no room for either yet, but maybe someday....


"stolen pics, hope they work"
spectacular fish.. i heard they sell for upwards of $2,000. it almost makes me think hmmm, if i sold my car, and picked up a few more hours, i might be able to afford :D
Betcha can ya guess what my favorite Tang is? :)

I really like the Powder Blue & Powder Brown though... Just don't have a big enough tank... Our Hippo is still fairly small, but she will be our only "big" fish eventually (when she grows). She was about the size of a quarter when we got her last June, so she's growin...

I have kept an Achilles for almost 20 months now and he keeps on growing. Once aclimated I could say is as difficult as a Poweder blue. The issue is that it is a bad shipper so most of the time when we get it is in poor condition with little posibility for survival but if you can find one that has been in the fish store for a month, it's eating and does not look amaciated it has a very good chance. See it's picture in my previous post (end of page 2)
jdieck, Achilles is one of my favorite fish. The picture is stunning. I think it's one the most beautiful fish. When I get my Achilles, you will be the first to know.


I'm really surprised there aren't any more votes for the Kole Tang...Great personality, gorgeous fish and not nearly as large as some of the others so it should be more appealing to those with "marginal" sized tanks for tangs. Here's a pic of Marty (named after the late Marty Feldman). You couldn't ask for a better fish. I've got 3 tangs...hippo, convict, and Marty, and he is by far my favorite.