Your Favorite Tang/Surgeonfish

I of all the tangs I have seen in person I like the blue hippo. they can have an amazing color, alomst like a neon sign.
My favorite looking tang is the Achiles and the PBT but they tend to be a little aggressive in my tank. Second to that is the Blonde Naso.

Something about the vlamingi that I disklike is the big freaking forehead it has, looks like a feature a "challenged" kid would have. Sorry to be mean.
My favourite fish is George, my blode Naso Tang:

The reason he's my favourite fish: he's my only fish! :D
"There are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way." Homer Simpson
bart: but isnt that the wrong way
Hommer: yeah, but i love that episode...:D
Acanthurus guttatus (Jewel tang). This fish is common as all getout in places like Hawai'i, but it always seems to have a rather enormous price tag. Maybe adding the term "jewel" makes people thing it's worth the money...

blue unicorn

blue unicorn

some of those make this guy look a little drab but he makes up for it in personality. eats out of my hand
For me it's the powder blue or an orange shoulder. My PBT and the rest of my fisk passed last week to velvet. The tank just doesn't look right without all of my fish but my PBT really di something special for it. He will be missed dearly.

Could we all take a moment of silience in rememberance of my boy blue.
* * * * Now everyone stop surfing Reef Central and get back to work.
Chewie, It is friday afternoon, I have had to put all work on hold until monday to finish up poking around RC. and i won't let you or my boss or anyone else tell me otherwise.
