Your Favorite Tang/Surgeonfish

edsreef said:
I assumed Maya_nl was asking the difference between a Hawiian Yellow Tang and a "normal" Yellow Tang from the Pacific.
Yes indeed :D
I know 2 species, one who's yellow over his whole body and the one with a white stomic (spot on his flank)
and I know also if a yellow tangs have orange fins, there's something wrong with your nitrite/nitrate level...

correct me if I'm wrong ;)

i could be wrong. i thought they where one in the same as far as yellow tangs go. there is a yellow tang, a pacific sailfin tang and a red sea sailfin tang as i know.anybody else?.
I love my little Kole Tang, Edward. he has such an outgoing personality and remains small enough to be comfortable in my 65 gallon system. i rescued him from my LFS who put him with 50 Blue Devil Damsels.
I love my Powder Blue!

Rich; your Yellow Tang appears to have orange coloring in his fins too. Is that normal? Is yours a Hawiian Yellow?
Are those clown tangs as rough as people say?

I have a vlamingii, dussemeri and yellow that are all buds. I also have a kole who keeps to himself, and am getting a peacful purple. If the yellow is aggressive to the purple, he'll be evicted.

But there is a healthy clown at the LFS that I like, I'm nervous though. I would also like to pick up a blonde naso, and possibly a hippo. I have a 340 with lots of swimming space.
I'm suprised nobody mentioned my fav tang the powder brown I dont have a pic of mine but he is beautiful he's my only tang so i'm probably a little biased but ohwell. the red tang in that group shot was amazing
for a long time I've got 6 awesome tangs,

flavescens (got the age of 16 years)


but after adding 2 cleaning fishes, they all died...One of the new fish was sick...I didn't knew this at that time, after a few day's he got a big open wound and the sickness killed them all in 24 hours.

My tank stays 65 day's without fish, thought the sickness and Ich. would go away.

at this moment I got an tentennii, a real sweet en nice fish, never fight with the other ones.
my lovely gemmatum, because I've been waiting for more than 3 years to get her
a young species flavescens, scare for everybody and everything.

and than we got my blue devil, xanthurum, also a young species, but a real nasty guy.
Last summer, a friend gave my a achilles for my birthday, for 7 weeks no problems, and just from one to the other day the xanthurum want the achlilles out of his tank...2 day's later my sweet gemmatum started to fight also with the I put him out of the tank and found a good house for him....

my opinion: zebrosama's a are agressiver as the acanthurus species, and the xanthurum is the most agressive of all the zebrasoma's

on this link you can see all my 9 tangs

I would disagree that the zebramosa tangs are more aggresive than ancanthurus tangs. This might be true on an individual basis but I feel that the overwhelming majority of people who have kept both species would say that ancanthurus tangs are the most agressive of all the tangs.

I've heard many stories of ancanthurus tangs killing all the other fish in the tank even wrasses and other fish that weren't a direct threat to them. I have seen zebramosa tangs be very aggressive to other zebramosa tangs but nothing like ancanthurus tangs as far as aggresiveness toward other species of fish.

FWIW, Nathan
Love Tangs

Love Tangs

I love the Kole Tang, use to have one in my old system but in my new system I have the most gracious Scopas Tang. I love this guy, hes fat, friendly, beautiful and proud. :D

Thats a very pretty Scopas.....The ones around here are usually drab and not very colorfull like yours.
I can't decide which one of my tangs I like the most. I think it would be Spock, my Naso. He'll eat from my hand...



Or maybe Nibbles, my Powder Blue.


