Your Username !!!!


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? Just curious and the replies will be interesting I'm sure.

Answer your own question please.

I basically made my name up. My daughter was taking a bath one day and asked what the thing was on the faucet cover. You know the one that is supose to stop them from cracking their heads wide open and bleeding to death?
I told her it was a Kafudafish and it was to help keep her safe.
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Okay, I'll play.

In highschool, the Disney movie Balto just came out. I was hanging out with my friends, doing something stupid I am sure, when one of my friends called me Balto. The name stuck. Rather than fight it, I joined them and have used the name in online forums and emails ever since.

The 777 came from the fact that, believe it or not, balto is taken already on many forums.
I love my fish but my dog was with me for over 14 and a half years. He passed about 5 months back and I would trade every piece of fish equipment I have to get him back.

So for me my dog came first.
Abreviation for my favorite bible verse: Philippians 1:21.

MyDogIsStill#1 - Yours is great. Sorry to hear that he passed on.

You guys/gals have some funny stories.


PS How did you come up with Mucho Reef?
My goal was to build a 300 gallon system some day, but I soon realized that is a lot of time, work, commitment and dedication. Mucho, is Spanish for, "big or grand", hence, Mucho Reef. Plus it had a nice ring to it.
I was watching my Son play hockey the first time I decided to join and he took a great slapshot that scored off the crossbar and so........:celeb3:
Why does everything have to have a name? The name game is bad for this hobby. I just want to be called white kid with black hair.

BTW, i'm selling my user name for $195 per letter. Very rare. Also my area code is 808.

last name first initial. We had to sign in to work and that was my given name there so I used it for all forums. Now I changed work locations and it's reverse first initial last name. I wish my screen names were brogers, it would keep everyone from calling me Roger :)
kichi is japanese for fortunate/lucky and Mark is my first name. I pretty much use this name on all the fish forums (koiphen, rc, saltwater). My gun forum user name is similar but has m1a before the kichi...cuz I love my m1a :).
Was just told mucho means a lot. I always thought it meant big. Learn something new everyday here.

Come on 808, you have to have a name to join RC, you know that buddy. Besides, it would be rude to call you white kid with black hair. And I bet if you lowered the price of each letter to $ 1 a piece, you would sell all of them in seconds I bet, LOL. J/k.

Coming to Hawaii next year, maybe I'll look you up, even at those prices, I'd share a beer, ah err, a root bear with you.

And I agree with you 100 %, the name game in our opinion has truly turned out to be bad for the hobby when it is associated with sky high prices.
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"oiseau" - pronounced: "wah-zoh" = is french for bird. reminded me of my grandfather. he loved birds and was french. special to me, but probably lame to others i guess.
Come on 808, you have to have a name to join RC, you know that buddy. Besides, it would be rude to call you white kid with black hair. And I bet if you lowered the price of each letter to $ 1 a piece, you would sell all of them in seconds I bet, LOL. J/k.

Coming to Hawaii next year, maybe I'll look you up, even at those prices, I'd share a beer, ah err, a root bear with you. :beer:

And I agree with you 100 %, the name game in our opinion has truly turned out to be bad for the hobby when it is associated with sky high prices.

Let me know if you come out here. I'm always down for a beer.