

New member
ive been reading alittle bit about this and I would like to see some tanks where the zeovit system is being used. I was looking into getting ZEOvit ZEObac and ZEOfood for my new 120Gallon SPS dominate tank. does it realy work? is it worth it?
Your really gonna get some mixed responses here if any at all. I run Zeo and am in Plainfield. Your welcome to stop by and see it for yourself.

You will find that most of the people who have tried Zeovit said that it worked.

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I do not use it but I have seen tanks with it (both online and in person) some are beautiful, some are not so. On average the ones I have seen are prettier than the average non-zeo tank I have seen, this may be due too the zeovit system or the individual. The best zeo tanks I have seen online are on-par with the best non-zeo tanks but I cannot say I think they are better. I Have never used it but I do not believe that all of the things zeo-users are seeing are false or non-zeo related, in other words I think there may be something to this zeo (threw that in there for you zeo-guys ;) ) and the quickly building zeo-community is very helpful and supportive for the most part, even to non-zeo guys, in most all forums they are involved in and the zeovit forum. There has been controversy but dont let that dissuade you, it is really only a select few and everyone else on both sides is very civil ime.

Is it worth it? depends on where you are at now and what your expectations are. For me I have not seen in zeo tanks anything that I have not seen in others or my own for that matter. But I also have not used it so I do not have first hand experience of the change I would (would not?) experience on my own system.

Best bet imo would be to meet up with another zeo-user (jsbzmcdaniel, ect) and see if what they have is what you want, and if so try their recipe.

Good response, I totally agree with that, I've seen Zeo tanks and they're spectacular. And i'm itching to try it :D
Well I havent seen many pure SPS tanks, but one of the best Zeo tanks in the country (GQJeff's) lives only about 20 mins north of here. I get most of my frags from him and his tank is absolutly UNREAL. I dont think a tank can get much better than his to be honest...its out of this world. Now is it the Zeo??? He claims that it is. I do know one thing though, the Zeo certainly isnt hurting anything thats for damn sure.

I plan on trying it soon, because I think the best way to achieve great success is to emulate a tank that has great success. Lucky for me I have him to help me out.
I have been running zeo for about 4 months, and it definately works at reducing nutrients. It works so well in fact, that I have had to start feeding more and using some additional coral foods to compensate for the nutrient reduction. Two of my older SPS have had some recession at the base, but everything else hase shown increased growth and improved color.
In short, yes its worth it, but be patient and do not exceed recommended doses. Its actually a bit of trial and error in getting the dosing right. You really need to observe your tank closely and adjust accordingly....with zeo, less is more. IME
I've been running Zeo for about a year and half now. It works great in reducing the nutrients in the water. A lot of my acros used to be brown or green (also had them for about a year before using zeo), but after using zeo, they started showing colors within several weeks. I am going to need to try the Pohl's CV since I have been seeing some intense colors.
I've used it on and off a few times....I do know one thing, its great at getting rid of bryopsis.

I don't use it any longer, I need to use Ozone more then I need Zeovit.

there are some german reefer that feel the same way about ozone, and use zeovit with ozone, with great success, what they do is turn ozone off for a few hours, after dosing bac and then turn ozone back on, thatÃ"šÃ‚´s pretty much all they do when using both,

i dont think start is affected by ozone at all,
If you already have super low nutrients which Zeo does provide, what need would you possibly have for O3 anyway? Seems like just added expense to me.

Im actually considering using the CV/AAHC and possibly K-balance as well since my tank already has very low nutrients w/out the use of the Zeo basic 4.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892224#post6892224 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Horace
If you already have super low nutrients which Zeo does provide, what need would you possibly have for O3 anyway? Seems like just added expense to me.
I think that's the question many have of Zeovit.

If I can achieve great results without, can have a stable, low-nutrient tank ... why possible use is there for Zeovit?
Seems like an added expense to me.

I mean, look at March's TOTM, look at JB NY's tank [look at a number of others] ... from these, one could ask why there would be a need for zeovit figuring the obvious success without shown there.

Just my take - but your question about Ozone could be reversed - and asked why Zeo? One can achieve a low-nutrient tank without, it's just added expense.
LOL! Hold on Mark, I'm about to knock you off your chair!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892339#post6892339 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MiddletonMark
I mean, look at March's TOTM, look at JB NY's tank [look at a number of others] ... from these, one could ask why there would be a need for zeovit figuring the obvious success without shown there.

One could argue that for anything. Why change, why experiment, why try anything different?

Well, change, is how we make progress. Progress cannot happen w/o change, and I know it may sound strange coming from me (or someone like me), talking about Zeovit, but... nonetheless, I think it's important to respect the fact that folks are trying, and fortunately succeeding, with different methodologies. Now, Zeo-Zealots are a lot I still would rather not associate with, but the conversations been very civil in this thread so far. ;)

By all means, trying different things should be encouraged, but done responsibly, and not just willy-nilly: I read a thread title suggesting adding Vodka to your tank, so here's some JD fishies... ;)

I know what you're doing Mark, the pot did call the kettle black, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't experiment and try. Heck, where would we all be if a handful of people hadn't read Dr. Ron's and Toonen's papers from 8-9 years ago and said "Hmm, that sounds right to me."?

- Mac
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892339#post6892339 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MiddletonMark
If I can achieve great results without, can have a stable, low-nutrient tank ... why possible use is there for Zeovit?
Seems like an added expense to me.

I mean, look at March's TOTM, look at JB NY's tank [look at a number of others] ... from these, one could ask why there would be a need for zeovit figuring the obvious success without shown there.

Just a little FYI here, Hugo (March TOTM) used Zeovit. I sold it him personally. The results from before and after were very noticeable. For some reason or another he stopped. After Algae got out of control he came and bought more. Then stopped again??? Again, do not know why? He recently bought Coral Vitalizer. I was just there a week ago and he is not using Zeo anymore. His corals look awesome as always and is a beautiful tank. But he does have some pretty bad algae issues. His corals were so nice I had to go home with a 6 pack of some beauties.

I have seen many tanks Zeo and not Zeo. Shawn Bennett, Roland (Old Yella Tang) had very nice colors and they did not use Zeo. I have also seen my fair share that didn't and these were nothing compared to their tanks. I have also seen Zeo tanks that looked as it were not on Zeo too. Zeo is not for everyone. Just like Ozone, UV, Turf Scrubbers, Non-Skimmer Tanks and Plenums are not either. Pick your poison and do it good :) I have always said, "That it is not the method one uses, but how one uses the method"

Some feel the expense is worth it and other feel it is not. Thank God for the freedom to choose :) I
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892224#post6892224 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Horace
If you already have super low nutrients which Zeo does provide, what need would you possibly have for O3 anyway? Seems like just added expense to me.

Raising the ORP.

Thanks, I just might try that. You see, I go over to Eric's like once a week to shoot the bull. I have to look at his tanks and corals. I hate him:lol:
Could zeovit help pay for itself by needing less water changes to reduce nutrients? It would be a big plus if I could use zeovit and change the water once a month instead of everyweek?
Zeovit (the basic 4) seems to be a very good way to keep nutrients low in a tank that has high nutrients... It does not however mean you shouldnt change water. They recommend the same number of water changes as any other method. Could you perhaps get away with less water changes?? Perhaps.....

I wouldnt use it just for that purpose though...
Golfish, before I ran zeo, my ORP used to be 320-350. After starting zeo it slowly started to climb, at about the 2 month mark I was at 400, and now my ORP is 430-450.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6894676#post6894676 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marcrothschild
Golfish, before I ran zeo, my ORP used to be 320-350. After starting zeo it slowly started to climb, at about the 2 month mark I was at 400, and now my ORP is 430-450.

I ran Zeo for about 10 months, stopped, started up again a few months later, ran it for 3-4 months, bought an ORP contoller\Generator and had a reading or 160-170....nows its @ 400, right where I want it.

I'm glad to hear it worked for you...just shows you every system is different.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892620#post6892620 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ejocam
I was just there a week ago and he is not using Zeo anymore. His corals look awesome as always and is a beautiful tank. But he does have some pretty bad algae issues. His corals were so nice I had to go home with a 6 pack of some beauties.
Thanks for the FYI, I could substitute another tank ... but you get the point.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892392#post6892392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMac
LOL! Hold on Mark, I'm about to knock you off your chair!
Please do.
I'm more than happy to think differently as I learn more.
I expect to, actually :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892392#post6892392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReeferMac
By all means, trying different things should be encouraged, but done responsibly, and not just willy-nilly: I read a thread title suggesting adding Vodka to your tank, so here's some JD fishies... ;)

I know what you're doing Mark, the pot did call the kettle black, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't experiment and try. Heck, where would we all be if a handful of people hadn't read Dr. Ron's and Toonen's papers from 8-9 years ago and said "Hmm, that sounds right to me."?
You make a good point.

To add, without learning off each other - we don't go forward either. I sure don't mean to stifle discussion - as I'd love to learn more about reef keeping from any devoted hobbyist, whatever method.

Folks experiences trying it are of great interest personally - as I've learned more about how my tank likely works from the method already IMO.

I was just thinking about the manic substrate removal of '05. I swear, someone said that after going BB, their teeth were whiter ;)
Mine weren't.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6892620#post6892620 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ejocam
Pick your poison and do it good :) I have always said, "That it is not the method one uses, but how one uses the method"
There's some truth :)