Zero aiptasias anyone?

juan jose

New member
Has anyone got to the point of having zero aiptasias? Can they be totally eliminated. Do they always reappear? IÃ"šÃ‚´m trying the popular suggestions but I still donÃ"šÃ‚´t know if they can be eliminated 100%. Any succesful attempts?
I have none in my tank. I QT everything that goes in and have been fortunate. My personal method of destruction is lemon juice from a hypodermic needle. That is an easy solution in the QT tank but some folks may balk at having the byproducts in their display.
I have not had aiptaisias for many years. I have not added any live rock for years either. When I started out I thought aiptaisias were cool and actually fed them! Then I found out the truth.

They just seemed to go away on their own over time. I didn't really have a problem with their appearance and thought they looked natural and accepted them as a a natural part of the reef. That is probably why they died off, they didn't bother me. I I had hated them my tank would be covered by now. Maybe I should start liking cyanobacteria and feed it!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6943759#post6943759 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarkD40
I have not had aiptaisias for many years. I have not added any live rock for years either. When I started out I thought aiptaisias were cool and actually fed them! Then I found out the truth.

They just seemed to go away on their own over time. I didn't really have a problem with their appearance and thought they looked natural and accepted them as a a natural part of the reef. That is probably why they died off, they didn't bother me. I I had hated them my tank would be covered by now. Maybe I should start liking cyanobacteria and feed it!

You are right when I started the hobby I loved the aiptasias thinking my tank was doing fine. After reading at RC I found out the truth, and now they look so out of place now.
I had them but quickly rid them from my system with one dude!! Mr Copperband Butterfly. I actually have a video (somewhere) of him devouring an Aip the size of a Volkswagon Beetle. Now that's entertainment. Peppermint Shrimp never worked in my tank. The ole CBB got to be so good at it that I would trade rocks with a friend of mine, just to clean his rocks and then return them or trade for something.
when I first started my 55 gallon, I had them... and then, I found a nice peppermint shrimp!!!

in my current seahorse tank, I saw one. it had climbed onto my fake plastic plant.... freshwater does wonders to the little buggers!!!!

currently, I don't have any... that I know of. I'm wanting to get some peppermints though, just in case.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6944346#post6944346 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mr James
I had them but quickly rid them from my system with one dude!! Mr Copperband Butterfly. I actually have a video (somewhere) of him devouring an Aip the size of a Volkswagon Beetle. Now that's entertainment. Peppermint Shrimp never worked in my tank. The ole CBB got to be so good at it that I would trade rocks with a friend of mine, just to clean his rocks and then return them or trade for something.

wow!!! I want my butterly to do that, it even seems entertaining, sipping a beer and watching the CBB eating aiptasias jajaja it would make my day. If you find the vid please post it.
Had some in my first tank got some Peppermint shrimps and they were gone in a few weeks never to return. In my new tank I bought some Zoo's that had some on the rock they were attached to, broke it apart and removed them never seen them again.