Zoa Cycles?


New member
Do they go through cycles where they close their polyps for a couple days? I have four different type's of Zoa's and they all seem to have these "cycles" and everytime i get concerned only to find two days later they are happier than ever. Maybe this is growth cycle for something?
I had 3 colonies do it a couple weeks ago. 2 of the 3 opened up and one didn't. Seems to be a seasonal thing. Possibly a reaction to our consistent conditions in our reeftank year round when the zoas would typically be experiencing some slight changes in their environment at this time.
^that thought makes sense.

I am also a firm beleiver that zoas go through their own cycles in life, not just closing, but also receading and growing cycles.
It is just my personal belief that these "cycles" are not as random as we think. I believe that taking a creature out of a fluctuating environment and putting them in a very consistent environment causes them to be unhappy at times (particularly seasonal changes). These corals have been here probably longer than we have and are used to a certain environmental pattern and when we place them in our tanks and keep the temp at exactly 80.9deg all day long, and keep the lights on for exactly 8 hrs per day with no dimming to simulate clouds, I think it throws them off a little. Obviously it isn't enough to kill them (usually), but we have a long way to go in truly recreating their natural environment. It sure is stressful when you see your favorite colonies closing up for weeks at a time even if they have done it before in the past :)

SIR PATRICK- I agree that some zoas seem to have a tendency to recede when they reach a certain number of polyps. Not sure why some seem to behave like that...
when mine start to close up for longer than a few days i usuak]lly fresh water dip them and then in another few days they open up fine