Zoa garden essential equipment list

Nice zoa's greg! Awesome growth especially from a couple browned out polyps.

Thanks fishy! That post is almost a year old I was surprised to see this thread dug up. I will dig up some of the original photos of when I first got them and what they are like now!
What happened man how did you fail?

My tank just started going down hill and I couldn't figure out the issue, algae over everything and coral wasn't doing worth a crap and I just was aggravated with it and lost interest. I do that every so often get mad and ill shut it down and and go freshwater for a little bit. That's what i did this time and now I'm back

Thanks fishy! That post is almost a year old I was surprised to see this thread dug up. I will dig up some of the original photos of when I first got them and what they are like now!

Yeah I was going through old posts I had started and decided to bring it back from the dead I've always liked zoas and wanted a large tank full but could never keep them alive or get enough growth from them to achieve a colony of any size
My zoas seem to react pretty well to the rotifer spot feeding I do, occasionally Ill mix the rotifer with some zoo and phyto(reef chilli) before feeding and they seem to like that as well. Other than 1 colony which only opens for a cpl hours a day all the other frags open all day and look happy, no growth but I have only had most of them for 2 weeks so I hope to see some over the next 6 months.

I do run my skimmer 24/7 and turn the powerhead down when spot feeding, the acans seems to like the roti as well but they will also eat whole mysis like the candy canes and rics. The paly's try to eat whole mysis but it seems they cant get the whole thing that they caught into their mouths =P