Zoa removal, ideas?


Trying to clear up some space in my tank, looking to get rid of the orange zoas that have overgrown all the rock on the left side. Wondering if I can dump the rock into the dark chambers in the back and have them wither away? Scrape them all off? (might be pretty tedious). Chuck the rock and put new ones in? (would that cause a shift in tank parameters?). Not a fan of zoas at all unless theyre in island formations, consider them a weed. Was thinking of scraping/pulling/cutting them off in chunks and giving them away to new reefers, but know how much chatter there is on zoa toxins. Along the same lines, want to snip the vermetids that have been growing within the colony, but finding this hard to do as it would require cuttin strands of zoas from each other.


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That’s a heavily infested rock. I’d just remove it. You could break it up and sell/give away the pieces. There’s no way you’re getting them all off of there
Yeah, I figured as much.. Can i just snip the zoa strands that are connecting those pieces? I've pulled apart strands by accident many times, just always have those toxins warnings in the back of my head..
Maybe your local LFS would take them off your hand for some store credit. they could probably cut that into a lot of frags for resell....
In my area I bet you would have 20 x $20-30 frags there. maybe more if done really well.