Zoanthid-Eating Amphipods


just potentially crabs and shrimp as far as stuff you intentionally stock

clams and snails are unaffected..........that probably isnt entirely accurate as Im sure they notice it but I have never once seen any harmed and have used the stuff a half dozen times over the years in displays

It also seems that once a crab lives through it, they buidl up a tolerance. I recall a lone hermit and some emeralds in the past who would be (apparently) unphased as well
i would get a nice pair of Yellow Coris wrasses i have a pair there great any time i put a new coral in there they go straight to work one picking at the rock and iv never had any bugs thanks to them
My zoanthids have not been looking so hot recently, and last night I decided to look in the tank at ~2am with a flashlight... I was horrified to find tons of what appeared to be copepods, but much longer/bigger and almost spider-like, clearly munching away at my zoas! They looked exactly like these pictures I found, and apparently they are some sort of amphipod.

What should I do??! I might try to do a freshwater dip tonight, but I don't know if this will be anything more than a very short term fix. I saw tons of those buggers all over the tank and in the rocks.. also I have several large pieces of live rock with zoas on them, so it would be hard to remove a lot of these..

Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated!

I had the same issue.. My Zoanthids closed and would not open for months.. I dipped the Zo's in ReVie for 15 minutes and I noticed all to these creatures jumping of the Zo like rats on a burning ship.. After dipping the Zo's are open and everything looks much better.
I don't think they intentionally eat the zoas, they are cleaning them of detritus and they nip the coral and like the taste of the zoas and then they have a feast on your zoas!!!
I understand, I also had this problem once what I am trying to say is that they begin to eat your zoas because they are eating the detritus off the zoas and they nip the coral by accident. They then find that the zoas taste better than the detritus so they eat your zoas instead of the detritus. I don't know if what I am saying is true or not it just what I think happens.
They're opportunistic just like any other animal, if food source is scare or something else is more tasty and readily available compared to their usual food source, chances are they would switch to the new one.... your Z's and P's... I used to say this for a long time and people didn't believe me... LOL
Why people did not believe? This is very seems to be true.

Because some people have them and don't "seem" to have a problem...yet. I myself do not have a problem yet but I would not say I will never have a problem with them. The tank is well fed and with the wrasse and other fish probably keep them in check.

Newager- how is the amphipod population in the tank? Do you have a lot of them? planning in getting a wrasse?
Newager- how is the amphipod population in the tank? Do you have a lot of them? planning in getting a wrasse?
When T5 is on I don't see them, but in the night I see hundreds of amphipods - smal and big, they sit in the rocks and sand. I think they are can eat rhodactises too. I get yellow wrasse and hawkfish,but they are sleep in the night and don't it amphipods, I think.
I get yellow wrasse and hawkfish,but they are sleep in the night and don't it amphipods, I think. but they " WRASSES" will hunt all day when the Ampipods are sleeping between and under the rocks.