Short Bus Rider
Wont interceptor also kill snails and other inverts?
My zoanthids have not been looking so hot recently, and last night I decided to look in the tank at ~2am with a flashlight... I was horrified to find tons of what appeared to be copepods, but much longer/bigger and almost spider-like, clearly munching away at my zoas! They looked exactly like these pictures I found, and apparently they are some sort of amphipod.
What should I do??! I might try to do a freshwater dip tonight, but I don't know if this will be anything more than a very short term fix. I saw tons of those buggers all over the tank and in the rocks.. also I have several large pieces of live rock with zoas on them, so it would be hard to remove a lot of these..
Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated!
I dipped the Zo's in ReVie for 15 minutes
I used to say this for a long time and people didn't believe me... LOL
Why people did not believe? This is very seems to be true.
When T5 is on I don't see them, but in the night I see hundreds of amphipods - smal and big, they sit in the rocks and sand. I think they are can eat rhodactises too. I get yellow wrasse and hawkfish,but they are sleep in the night and don't it amphipods, I think.Newager- how is the amphipod population in the tank? Do you have a lot of them? planning in getting a wrasse?