Zoanthid & Palythoa Photographs/Tanks/Videos

THANKS Seapug - THANKS Mucho Reef
That tank has been a blast. Thank G- my wife never sees the credit card bills!
Mucho...the journey began over 2 years ago, and with limited money, I researched alot and took my time aquiring equipment slowly. But after 2 years, I started cycling the water in May '08. Here's the stats:
- equipment -
120gl. with single end overflow (for 360 viewing/maintenance)
yes, 8 54w T-5s
Blueline HD 40 pump for skimmer
Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC for circulation with home made PVC spray bar that loops the enitire top of the tank
MJ 1200 w/mods
2 Reactors (Carbon and Phosban) and the RK2
and about 190lbs. of liverock
- livestock -
Flame Angel
Coral beauty
2 clowns
Lawnmower Benny
Yellow belly hippo
Cleaner wrasse and a firefish
and also tons of creatures for the clean-up crew (sally light foot, emerald crabs, hermits, banded starfish, and snails, and more snails)
about 30 zoas frags
brain coral
green star polyps
-So far i killed a frogspawn, torch and 3 montipora caps
Just taken this afternoon...
90 gal long, w/ T5 lighting. Tank has been up for a year and a half, just started adding corals. Hope you like


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I've been trying to get these guys to color up for a while and they finally did.... under actinics. Sorry for the bad picture... I took it with my phone.
Thanks everyone. The tank is a 48"x48"x24" - 240 gallon.

Lighting consists of a 6 x 54 watt T5 Tek light, and a 4 x 54 watt T5 TEK light.

Sump is a 40 gallon breeder with a CoralVue Pro 250 skimmer with Askoll 1500 pump.

I run a 1/4 HP chiller for temp control, and supplementation is done via a GEO kalk reactor connected to my auto topoff. I have recently had to increase evaporation using a 9" fan blowing across the surface of the water. This increased evaporation increases the amount of kalk being dosed.

I do use PURA Complete in a bag in my sump, and once in a while throw a bag of Purigen in.

I do weekly 25-30 gallon water changes.

I do not directly feed any coral in the tank. I do however feed my fish rather heavily. I have 18 fish in the tank and they get fed twice a day.
Puffer, flyy, Justin & xskyzx, awesome reef tanks you have. From diversity to simplicity, all of them look great. Feel free to share as many details as possible everyone.

Mucho Reef
This series of zoanthid pics are of some new frags/colonies I picked up at a Tulsa LFS this week. All of these came as is, without names or pedigree, and exceptionally reasonable prices. Yet another reason to support your quality LFS!!

First, is what I think are wild collected Blue Ice.
Normal lighting (460nm actinic and 10k daylight T5):

Actinic lighting only:

Fill-flash with normal lighting:

Next, was a captive raised frag of what I believe to be Orange Bam Bam.
Normal lighting (460nm actinic and 10k daylight T5):

Actinic lighting only:

Fill-flash with normal lighting:
Third is another wild collected rock with more Blue Ice and a couple other yet to be identified morphs.
Normal lighting (460nm actinic and 10k daylight T5):

Actinic lighting only:

Fill-flash with normal lighting:

And lastly, is a captive cultivated frag of Green Crossettes.
Normal lighting (460nm actinic and 10k daylight T5):

Actinic lighting only:

Fill-flash with normal lighting: