Zoanthid Trades

Reef Junkie

Premium Member
I am preparing to begin trading, I accidentally deleted all of my inbox. Please post here if you were interested.

PS Karen, I know we're waiting another week.;)
I think we talked a while back through PM about some trading when or around the time you are moving.

I'd still be up for it!
cowcio, Mr. Ugly, Steve and Karen. It's all coming back to me now!
I know Coralnutz and ficklefins are two others and maybe Jeremy?
I know it was more then 5, but less then 10.
For anyone else interested, I will see what I have after I sell and trade.;)
Sweet.... Let me know when you get moved into the new place and are ready to trade... BTW, congrats on the house, that's awsome.

If your going to setup the zoa farm in the basement make sure to take lots of pics.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7204773#post7204773 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reef Junkie
cowcio, Mr. Ugly, Steve and Karen. It's all coming back to me now!
I know Coralnutz and ficklefins are two others and maybe Jeremy?

:D You know it! I haven't done a trade in a good long time and I have a shipping box just waiting for this type of thing.
Steve, Yes, pictures are good. Naked pictures of your ex girlfriends are preffered.;)

Coralnutz, Holy crap dude, my hand is killing me from signing, but I'm officially a **** wner. Wait till you see this system. I'm borrowing ideas from a few people and some of my own. But the coolest part is going to be the Carlson wavemaker on the sump. 20 Gallons surging through the sump in 1 minute increments.

Fickle, just don't make the thing too big. I just bought a house and I'm now really poor, shipping is a killer!

Azurel, How could I forget you!?

Jove, please forgive me my dear. I didn't know we had a wonderwoman. And yes, if I had a picture of a woman in a fishtank, I'd make it my avatar. But, knowing me, it wouldn't be PC.;)

Surf, I have you down.;)

cwegescheide, TypeSH, michaelm2431 and Pazazz, I have had long standing trade agreements with these folks, but if I have any significant frags left over, I will also trade with you.;)

Reef Junkie,

I'd love to get in on a trade, dunno that I have much of interest to you though. Might even be able to bypass shipping if I could rope Karen into a RoAD TrIp!! *poke Karen* :bounce3:
