I bought a beautiful zoanthus colony from a LFS last week. Within a couple of days a cottony growth started in a very small area. It appears to be spreading quickly. I want to act on this quickly. Water changes have been 20% per week and parameters are all good. Is this the "pox"? All of the articles and threads I have found refer to small white dots. This is a continuous coating over several polyps.
Treatment? The Furan 2 dip that I have been reading about? Lugol's? R/O?
Suggestions?:uhoh2: This colony is too beautiful to lose!
Thanks for any help or advice.
Treatment? The Furan 2 dip that I have been reading about? Lugol's? R/O?
Suggestions?:uhoh2: This colony is too beautiful to lose!
Thanks for any help or advice.