Zoantid Fungus?


New member
I bought a beautiful zoanthus colony from a LFS last week. Within a couple of days a cottony growth started in a very small area. It appears to be spreading quickly. I want to act on this quickly. Water changes have been 20% per week and parameters are all good. Is this the "pox"? All of the articles and threads I have found refer to small white dots. This is a continuous coating over several polyps.

Treatment? The Furan 2 dip that I have been reading about? Lugol's? R/O?
Suggestions?:uhoh2: This colony is too beautiful to lose!

Thanks for any help or advice.


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Can't really tell by the picture, but if there is a white film could be bacteria or fungus.
I would cut off the infected polyps, than do a Lugo's solution dip.

2 to 3 drops per each 8 to 10 oz of tank water. Leave the colony there for 30 to 60 seconds. Try to have the water at the same temperature of the tank. That's one of the reasons why to use tank water.

We'll see what other will post...

Good luck!
