i find it much easier to read than my swing-arm, no worry about bubbles throwing off the reading, and very easy to calibrate with a known quantity.
while i tested my hydrometer against my refractometer and found it to be right in line, i find the ease of use of the refractometer to be much higher. with my hydrometer i always seemed to be fighting against bubbles stuck to the arm that didn't want to dislodge, or salt dried on the inside that i just couldn't seem to get cleaned off, etc...
plus i never have to worry about getting wet, or accidentally dropping a hydrometer full of water when my fingers are soaked anymore. :bum:
Have you tried moving them to a different spot in the tank?
What about lighting? You said something about looking into a change.
My zoe's and palys seem to like mid to low light levels and lots of flow but not pointing directly at them. my palys have gotten huge since I brought them home. One frag is on the bottom and the other is about half way up and both are on the outside edge in the softer light.
I have a 70 gallon tall DT and have 3 hydor 1050's running in it. And i have a 4 puck led light.
hope things are getting better for you..
I recently got a star polyp frag and it looks to be doing good. I honestly think the little stars were eating or bugging the zoas before. Now I have a harlequin shrimp and the stars are all gone... Once I get my Ph problem resolved Im gonna see about trying a zoa frag and see how it does. Constant struggles over here. hahaha
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