I am thinking this could be excess zooxanthallae the polyps are expelling. How do the polyps look? Do you see any brownish strings/mucus coming from the mouths?
I am thinking this could be excess zooxanthallae the polyps are expelling. How do the polyps look? Do you see any brownish strings/mucus coming from the mouths?
hmmm it could be from stress due to shipping. Keep an eye on them and let us know what happens. It isn't uncommon for polyps to be closed for a few days when first purchased.
hmmm it could be from stress due to shipping. Keep an eye on them and let us know what happens. It isn't uncommon for polyps to be closed for a few days when first purchased.
Where are they in the tank and what kind of lights do u have. They may be melting from to much light to quick do u know what kind of lights they were under before u bought them
Where are they in the tank and what kind of lights do u have. They may be melting from to much light to quick do u know what kind of lights they were under before u bought them
There on a tank w/ PC's at the bottomm they were oozing before I even put them in. Im not sure what they came off of, but the PC's are pretty weak in reef terms.
Probably just the stress from shipping.
Leave it and don't touch until it gets better.
Wait for the polyps to open for couple days, if you want/need to change it's location.
It happens in tanks also, when there is a stress factor.
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