Zoas stopped opening?????


New member
I have a few tanks but a question on my 14g bio. (Made a Fuge in tank (Cheato) and have a protien skimmer on it)

The tank has been going fine for months and has many different kinds of zoas... then all of a sudden some stopped opening. I have no idea why..

right now I have in it

Yellow Watchmen Goby
Pearly Jawfish
Hectors Goby
Fire Goby/Dartfish
Curious Wormfish
Tail Spot Blenny

Small Cleaner Shrimp (1")
Porcelain Crab 2/3"
Three Tiny Blue Legs
Three Nasarious
Five Tiny Nerite
Three Tiny Cerinth
One Astreas
Reef Stars

Acan Lords

(And to all those worried about space and aggression with the fish.. there are no real signs and I have other tanks if I need to move them so don't worry about the fish.)
can you give more information on the tank itself? The salinity, ph, alk, etc? Have any of the other inhabitants been acting funny? Do you dose with anything?
the levels are all perfect.. It's something other then the obvious.. idk what else it could be. the only level that isn't perfect is temp... it gets up to 80 sometimes... 81 at most.

I've only dosed a couple times with red sea trace and calcium, also vit c and iodine ... very little... and there are still some zoas that are opening fine... the only things to stop opening was some zoas and one ricordia...
6 fish in a 14g?! You're way overstocked and that could be a reason why. Either way you need to clear out a few fish.
OMG THINK OF THE FISH. lol. He didnt ask if the ammt of fish was ok. hes asking about Zoas.

I have the same issue with a set of my zoas, they have opened fine for 4 months and over the last 2 weeks half of the colony stopped opening. I gave them a light brush with a brand new toothbrush thinking maybe there was build of of detirius but that didnt seem to help any.

I'm not sure what is causing it. I havent added anything new to the tank in a month+
How about your lights. When was the last time they were changed? From the way you make it sound the lights have been on their for some time
I bought a leather coral that had a few ctenophore hitch hikers, & their feeder tentacles bugged the heck out of my zoas. They opened back up about a week later. (after I took HHs off of the leather.
Tagging along as mine are doing the same thing. I just checked water parameters and alk and ph were a touch low but all else looks ok.

Lights might be an option but my palys are growing like weeds. ???