Z's upgrade build

Brian, thanks for asking forgot to include that part. Two nights before leak I had moved the fowlri and emperor as well as naso. Sadly I took them out not knowing how long I would be out of pumps. I did learn from incident. Mike introduced to water leak detection. Also happy stand was sealed. It held water very well. I also ordered 2 extra. controllers and power. Now I need to order 1 extra pump.
Z's also been busy helping me design an 850G gallon tank
- my seemingly simple questions keep making him stop and think for a while when you take it to a slightly bigger scale.
Build update

Build update

Mesee2 welcome to rc. It's about time and yes you do often add a spin to size and design. Amazing how we started at 450 and now nearing 1000 gallons. Hopefully we can get that build thread started.

Rob: let's do it you have the space and prized sps.

As for my lights here are some pictures courtesy of janes_mw (a million thanks Mike for upgrading design and putting it together).

***please note the Bulbs are not the perm bulbs these are testing bulbs. The original design as you can see was to run wiring to sides as an example below.

Mikes work of art was to mount to the back of canopy.

Hopefully I am able to pick up canopy tomorrow and wire it up and take pictures.
just a note on this set up. These ballasts really "like" the connections to 1&2 as short as possible. So it required a little different layout of the wires, but overall, those connections were kept at under 24 inches in all three cases (18 or less in two). Also, these bulbs were pretty old and not the exact config that Z is going to run. I think with his LEDs, he is going to have a winner! The wiring above shows only two ballasts, but we ended up with three, so a little different than that.

Thanks again. I can't wait to pick it up. Also need to give credit to Kyuss for ballest recommendations and wiring tips. He has posted great details of these types of ballast and there longevity.

When doing all this research and with 24 inches of hight my main concern is too much light. I think I am going to shorten the photo period like you suggested. Although there is 320 that ran rb and my and t5 for over 8 hours.
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Lights update

Lights update

Canopy has arrived and wow that's a ton of light. Also wiring is super clean (thanks again Janes_mw)

New bulbs:

Here is canopy with new bulbs:
Super actinic

Super purple

Aquablue plus

Lights are so bright I had to reduce exposure on camera

Super actinic on tank

Super purple:

Aqua blue plus

All lights on

Next up reefbreeders and clean up wiring. I love progress.
Z's upgrade build

Great build! I really enjoy the minimal structures and the open water between them in your aquascape.

Can I ask who build your sump?

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Looking good! We'll have to do a crossover build episode and have you help when I get ready to wire my t5. LOL!

Now get some fish in there! When you getting the potters angel? ;-)

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All fish are in tank now
.just finished getting ibc 275 gallon out of the living room. Signs of progress.

Clean up time:

Looks awesome, I love the FTS with the aquablue specials on. One of my favorite t5 bulbs. I love my LED's but I miss the t5 sometimes. Keep up the great work!

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Completed Lighting

Completed Lighting

Jane_MW thanks for the idea on using R-TEC to block light bleeding above canopy. I love that its reflecting back down into tank. I am still amazing how much t5 light spreads.

I finally completed all light work and here is what I used to place in between Reefbreeders.

Here is the completed work once I cut R-TEC:

All T5s on and ReefBreeders:

All T5s:

Reefbreeders Whites only at 50%:

ReefBreeders Blues Only at 100%:

Light reflecting out from top before and after:

I am working on getting custom power cables as my OCD is getting the better half of me :). Although the pictures may not show the reduced reflection out of open top canopy it is fare better than before and adding foam was worth it. I will take better pictures tonight.



Only thing pending is to program the revised light schedule on the reefkeeper:

Sun Up Schedule:
ReefBreeders Blues 3pm ON
2 x T5 Aquablue Plus 3:30pm ON
2 x T5 Super Purple 4pm ON
2 x T5 Super Actinic 4:30pm ON
ReefBreeders Whites 5pm ON

Sun Down Schedule:
2 x T5 Aquablue Plus 8:30pm OFF
2 x T5 Super Purple 9pm OFF
2 x T5 Super Actinic 9:30pm OFF
ReefBreeders White 10pm OFF
ReefBreeders Blues 11pm OFF

With this schedule and program start ballast I should be able to pass a year of use on my T5s bulbs.

Any suggestions?