0 to 100% with 6105's


New member
Are there any problems with allowing a 6105 to pulse from 0% to 100%? I would prefer to have the pumps start from 0% to 100%, 0% to 75% or 0% to 50% depending on the time of day. I would set the time about 2 seconds on and 2 seconds off.
I also have a couple of 6101's that I would like to pulse but I feel that the mounting brackets would not be able to take the stress. I may try to pulse them from 0 to 50% or 0 to 30%.
I currently have the pumps going from 30% to 50%, 75%, 100%.

The problem I find is that the pumps even at 30% to 100% do not allow enough time for the corals close to the pump to "relax" before the next wave hits. just my thoughts.

By the way, the 6105 is a monster. It appears to move much more water than the 6101 ever did. I had to put the 15v jumper in because the flow has increased so much. The numbers don't show much increase but in my tank it is a BIG difference. The ability to move the pump around like the nanos makes all the difference. The flow also appears wider because it will disturb the surface unlike the 6101 did.

The main purpose of pulsing the pump is to create turbulance, the faster pulse will collide with the slower flow and broaden to cover more area. I don't think a couple seconds of off would create much rest and much of the more recent studies suggest that too much turbulence and chaotic flow interferes with feeding response. You can do this however without any detriment to the pump excluding the fact they will need more regular cleaning, they build up calcium deposits substantially quicker when cycled off and on than when they are simply sped up and slowed down. My suggestion would be 3-4 sec 30-100 pulses and 6 hr intervals between changing which side is pulsing in Interval 2, this really should be enough and it gives the longest cleaning interval and would generally give a fairly constant, natural flow with just enough change up to keep detritus suspended.