1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures


So I've got 3 1.5 inch pipes draining water from the tank. The water goes through 3 rows of filter socks. 13 socks total. After the filter socks, I've got my massive Royal Exclusiv skimmer with two pumps. The skimmer has a wash down that I can run to clean off the cup. The cup has a drain that drains excess. I'll be adding a float valve here to shut down the skimmer in case it overflows which happened once. Luckily I caught it so no harm done.

The blue tubing going into the skimmer is my wash down. Flip of a valve and water goes in and cleans out he cup. The white tubing is the RO waste water. I use it to clean the cup when the ro tank is being filled up.


Above my skimmer I installed a shelf to hold my fridge that holds the fish food. I also keep various supplies on the shelf. Trying g to keep this uncluttered is a challenge as junk tends to build up here. I clean out regularly and throw away stuff I'm not using.


Here is my uv filter that one of the return pump pumps water through. To the left is the apex hook up. More on that later and I'd love someone's help to do some apex programming.


A close up of my apex power bar. In here I have plugged in the following:

2 return pumps
2 media reactor pumps
2 skimmer pumps
1 uv filter
The extra slot is for the float valve to shut down the skimmer pumps.

Later I'll add one more power bar where a float valve to shut off the return pumps will go. Haven't gotten around to that yet.

Here are my media reactors. I had issues with these as the lids kept coming off. The guys at Royal Exclusiv were awesome and replaced all 3. Awesome company to work with.


Top view of my tractor pump and my two 230 watt Royal Exclusiv return pumps.


Front view of my sump. I can always check the water level with ease. It's marked. My sump is a Royal Exclusiv Dream Box. Love love love this sump.

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Close up of my skimmer. This thing is a beast and sucks up all sorts of goop.


Finally my toys. Rover is the daily driver. Ferrari and SLS are for weekends.

That's all. Sorry for the long lapse in posts. Happy to answer any specific questions.

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Here are a couple of shots from this am. Lights were not on in the tank:


View from the kitchen.


Panorama shot from the bar to the tank and kitchen.

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I really like the sump. It's so clean.

You've done a nice job organizing the closet. Difficult to get to the sink I imagine but still useful for sure. I'd never go without a utility sink!

While it would be minor, do you have any seals on the closet doors to keep out any fumes from the vehicles? I understand you're not running them with the garage door closed but just curious here.

It's been a while since you posted a fish list... and a lot has happened. What is your current stock list?

Finally, sweet Ferrari!
I really like the sump. It's so clean.

You've done a nice job organizing the closet. Difficult to get to the sink I imagine but still useful for sure. I'd never go without a utility sink!

While it would be minor, do you have any seals on the closet doors to keep out any fumes from the vehicles? I understand you're not running them with the garage door closed but just curious here.

It's been a while since you posted a fish list... and a lot has happened. What is your current stock list?

Finally, sweet Ferrari!

The sink is not in an ideal position. Originally the sump was supposed to be shifted to the right 18 inches giving more space to the sink. That didnt happen and then when I added the table for the QT, I lost all space in front of the sink. Still its usable but not ideal.

As far as the seals- the entire fish room is insulated and climate controlled. I was going to insulate the entire garage but my contractor talked me out of it due to cost but I regret not doing it. The cars are just driven in and out so there really isnt any exhaust fumes lingering in the garage but regardless, the fish room is sealed off.

Im still rebuilding my stocking list slowly but I have yellow tangs, blue tangs, naso tangs, a convict tang and several niger and pink tail triggers, emperor, blue face and french angelfish along with a porcupine puffer and lots of chromis, damsels and firefly gobies.

Will add another dozen or so fish over the next 6 months and then reevaluate.

And yes, I love my 488 GTB although I dont get to drive it as often as I would like.
Could someone help me with my programming for the Apex. Right now my skimmer pumps are connected to the Apex (I have 2 of them). Any time the return pumps turn off (I have two 230 watt Royal Exclusiv pumps) I would like the skimmer pumps to turn off and then turn on 5 minutes after the return pumps turn on.

This will ensure that as the sump fills up, the skimmer does not overflow. How do I program this?
Could someone help me with my programming for the Apex. Right now my skimmer pumps are connected to the Apex (I have 2 of them). Any time the return pumps turn off (I have two 230 watt Royal Exclusiv pumps) I would like the skimmer pumps to turn off and then turn on 5 minutes after the return pumps turn on.

This will ensure that as the sump fills up, the skimmer does not overflow. How do I program this?

question. Are you Return pumps set to "Always" or are you setting them to turn off during specific times? If so, what times are you turning them off and back on?
I turn them off when we are cleaning the tank. It would be nice that i just turn off the return pumps and the skimmer pumps turn off instead of having to turn off all 4.
I turn them off when we are cleaning the tank. It would be nice that i just turn off the return pumps and the skimmer pumps turn off instead of having to turn off all 4.

how long does it take for you to clean the tank? There are a couple of options, like setting up a "feed mode" and adding extra time, so you can't forget to turn them back on.

You can also setup a specific time, but then you run into an issue if you don't clean it that day say something comes up, then you will shut down your pumps and skimmer for no reason.

I would want to do something for feed A/B/C/D and setup extra time, so it is a deliberate turning off pumps/skimmer pump. Then if you get called away, and "forget" to turn said pumps back on, they will automatically come back on.

Something as easy as this. (assuming it takes you 1 hour to clean your tank)

Setup the FeedA feed cycle to be 30 minutes on the Apex

Fallback ON
Set ON
If FeedA 030 Then OFF (this will equal 60 minutes) as you set FeedA to be 30

Fallback ON
Set ON
If FeedA 035 Then OFF (this will be 65 minutes) as you set FeedA to be 30 min
Ok- this makes sense. is there a way to shut off the feed mode? cause lets say it takes 1 hour but I get done in 30 minutes and I want to add water back to the tank- can I cancel feed mode?

and is the feed mode set automatically or will it only turn on when i automatically turn it on? Reason being, tank isn't cleaned at the same time all the time so when its time to clean the tank, I just want to turn on feed mode but not have it turn on every day for example.

Make sense?
You will go into fusion and go into Return and Skimmer, I use the pump option obviously, I go there, choose the feed mode, then go into advanced and you can manually add those pieces in there.

I hope that helps out.
Ok- this makes sense. is there a way to shut off the feed mode? cause lets say it takes 1 hour but I get done in 30 minutes and I want to add water back to the tank- can I cancel feed mode?

and is the feed mode set automatically or will it only turn on when i automatically turn it on? Reason being, tank isn't cleaned at the same time all the time so when its time to clean the tank, I just want to turn on feed mode but not have it turn on every day for example.

Make sense?

100% correct, feed mode only turns on when you manually turn it in. on the controller down arrow then choose mode you want A-D, so you are covered there.

You can go in and turn off feed mode i.e. cancel it.
You can set that initial feed mode to 90 minutes, whatever you feel you need, then go into each pump and add time, you can turn 2 of at the same time, and the 3rd on minutes later, that is what I do.

I turn off return and skimmer on feed mode A, so that way I don't waste the food, and 2 the skimmer doesn't go all crazy when the sump fills up from turning off the pumps lol.

Then bingo they turn back on, and I am off doing something else. It helps when I travel my wife knows she has to literally click 2 buttons, feed, and walk away and the controller does the rest.. I love Apex for simple things like this alone!
ok- any way to program feed mode through apex fusion or only through the controller?

Thanks for the help btw!

You know what, that is a great question, I have always setup the initial feed time from the controller and then go into fusion and adjust the extra time and custom programming. When in the controller its literally 30 seconds to set that small part up. Then you go into Fusion and get serious lol.

And my pleasure on the help, I have asked the apex folks a million questions haha..