So I've got 3 1.5 inch pipes draining water from the tank. The water goes through 3 rows of filter socks. 13 socks total. After the filter socks, I've got my massive Royal Exclusiv skimmer with two pumps. The skimmer has a wash down that I can run to clean off the cup. The cup has a drain that drains excess. I'll be adding a float valve here to shut down the skimmer in case it overflows which happened once. Luckily I caught it so no harm done.
The blue tubing going into the skimmer is my wash down. Flip of a valve and water goes in and cleans out he cup. The white tubing is the RO waste water. I use it to clean the cup when the ro tank is being filled up.

Above my skimmer I installed a shelf to hold my fridge that holds the fish food. I also keep various supplies on the shelf. Trying g to keep this uncluttered is a challenge as junk tends to build up here. I clean out regularly and throw away stuff I'm not using.

Here is my uv filter that one of the return pump pumps water through. To the left is the apex hook up. More on that later and I'd love someone's help to do some apex programming.

A close up of my apex power bar. In here I have plugged in the following:
2 return pumps
2 media reactor pumps
2 skimmer pumps
1 uv filter
The extra slot is for the float valve to shut down the skimmer pumps.
Later I'll add one more power bar where a float valve to shut off the return pumps will go. Haven't gotten around to that yet.