awesome. Ill program feed mode through the controller.
again- appreciate the help
ok - one issue Im having- when I go to my control box to change the timer on feed mode, its asking for a password. Is that my fusion password? it wont let me go into set up.
hmmm- someone else had set that up for me. let me try 1234. again- appreciate your help.
ok - one more question- how many amps can the powerbar 8 handle? I'm running 6.9 amps right now.
no worries- enjoy hockey. Im nursing a twisted ankle and broken finger. hobbling back and forth from sump to tank is not easy right now.
Ok- quick question- if I cant change the duration of feed mode from minutes cause I dont want to dick around with the control panel- I can just set the time in the apex for the devices to turn on 90 minutes later correct?
Instead of setting feed mode for 90 minutes and then turn the pumps on 95 minutes later - i.e. 5 minutes after feed mode ends- I can just leave feed mode on for the default of 5 minutes and then have the pumps turn on 90 minutes later right?
It does the same thing- its just a longer delay with a same 5 minute feed mode default.
At the very least, Id like the return pumps back on- skimmer pumps can come on later.
What does Fallback On mean?