1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Peter's tank was 1350 gallons. Arguably on of the best personal aquariums in the world. The manufacturer defect that ended the tank, and the manufacturer's subsequent ignoring of the tank warranty, have already been discussed.
Peter has essentially closed all discussion on the matter.
Apart from having one of the nicest systems in the world, he is also one of the best examples of a class act on the Internet.
Happy wife happy life lol.


First world problems! :)


Incredible house and tank! Cant wait to see this filled up! And what do you do for a living?

Thanks. Almost there. Move in date is end of next week.

BTW- anyone have a good solution for water changes? I got a quote from a commercial installer to automate my water change. The bid came in at....wait for it....13k. Umm no! Im not an idiot and you cant walk into my house and jack up the price like that for an RO/DI unit and automated valves.

So - since that is out of the option- id appreciate some help on water changing solutions. Ive been out of town since sunday. Am on the flight home typing this. Ill pay a visit to the house on the way back from the airport and try to get some pictures posted. Plumbing should be done by now. Just need to figure out the water changing solution.
BTW- anyone have a good solution for water changes? I got a quote from a commercial installer to automate my water change. The bid came in at....wait for it....13k. Umm no! Im not an idiot and you cant walk into my house and jack up the price like that for an RO/DI unit and automated valves.


I would suggest talking to the engineers at Spectrapure. I have a complete RODI system with multiple level controllers for automatic filling of RODI top off tank and salt water mixing. They will be gravity drained into the sump. All it takes to change the water is turning a couple of valves.

It should be installed next week.
Alin- do you have a link for Spectrapure?

I swear- I should bring some of these "consultants" to my 1200 sq ft condo first to discuss the system and bid it out- and then when they do the install- surprise- you are installing at my actual house.

This way they don't get greedy and jack up the price. So frustrating that people think Ill just waste money when cheaper alternatives are available. I don't mind buying the best- but Im not going to just throw money down the drain (pun intended)
100 GPD is about what Im looking to get. My tank is roughly 800 gallons with the sump another couple hundred. Ill do 10% water changes once a week- thats roughly 100 gallons a week.

I think they just over built my system and made it unnecessarily complex.

Appreciate any info you can provide. Id rather put the 13k towards paying down my over budget build.
100 GPD is about what Im looking to get. My tank is roughly 800 gallons with the sump another couple hundred. Ill do 10% water changes once a week- thats roughly 100 gallons a week.

I think they just over built my system and made it unnecessarily complex.

Appreciate any info you can provide. Id rather put the 13k towards paying down my over budget build.

Will do.

I know how you feel...I think I'm 2x over budget. :(
Ah nice catch up, one thing I hate about tank builds is they take too freaking long, it's not my tank so I want my instant gratification :D That said click on the thread a week or two at a time seems to satisfy that itch I have.

I was trying to read the sign on the tank, and when I sufficiently blew up the picture I was a bit disappointed that it didn't say "This tank is worth more than you make in a year, if you scratch it you will literally be my slave for the next year" ... although that might have been a bit over the top.

Good decision on ONLY getting the tank from them, I'm not sure what their "norm" is but going by the TV show it seems they want every tank to have that same feel as the tanks in the Rainforest Cafe restaurants, and on top of that they throw in some super ugly decorations that makes the bubbling chest seem like a good idea. Plus the wet dry filter, I know it can work and has it's place, but I feel that's the easy way to deal with things for them. Royal Exclusiv is a "tad" better choice ;)

As to your hole in the wall, you might want to cut the tops off the doors, unless I'm looking at things wrong, it looks like the handles are below the hole that was cut, i.e. if you cut the bottom off you won't have a handle, or a way to keep the doors closed. Of course you could always do the bottom (so hinges don't need to be changed) and simply drill for a new handle hole... ok I take that back that probably would be less work :D
Ah nice catch up, one thing I hate about tank builds is they take too freaking long, it's not my tank so I want my instant gratification :D That said click on the thread a week or two at a time seems to satisfy that itch I have.

I was trying to read the sign on the tank, and when I sufficiently blew up the picture I was a bit disappointed that it didn't say "This tank is worth more than you make in a year, if you scratch it you will literally be my slave for the next year" ... although that might have been a bit over the top.

Good decision on ONLY getting the tank from them, I'm not sure what their "norm" is but going by the TV show it seems they want every tank to have that same feel as the tanks in the Rainforest Cafe restaurants, and on top of that they throw in some super ugly decorations that makes the bubbling chest seem like a good idea. Plus the wet dry filter, I know it can work and has it's place, but I feel that's the easy way to deal with things for them. Royal Exclusiv is a "tad" better choice ;)

As to your hole in the wall, you might want to cut the tops off the doors, unless I'm looking at things wrong, it looks like the handles are below the hole that was cut, i.e. if you cut the bottom off you won't have a handle, or a way to keep the doors closed. Of course you could always do the bottom (so hinges don't need to be changed) and simply drill for a new handle hole... ok I take that back that probably would be less work :D

I Loved how did you planned to fit tank , sump. Good Luck
For auto water changes. Look into either a dialyseas, a genesis renew, or a DOS from apex. Any could do for a auto water change.
Thanks for sharing the build of your beautiful home, and tank. This has been a great thread and I look forward to the many coming updates.
Why not use a DoS from Neptune? Or two, or three...

We do 3 gallons a day, not sure if really does anything, but makes we feel good.

Takes no time to setup with Apex Fusion. Could do 15 gallons a day or something.
Just a quick drive by post. I told the RO/DI guy to pound sand. At this point we are just going to continue with the install and deal with the water changes later. I figure we are not going to have to change water for a bit anyways so I don't want to get bogged down with 13k water change equipment and that Ill just do it manually for now and figure out some sort of automation later.

Quick update, we are expecting to get certificate of occupancy tomorrow - monday at the latest if there are any major issues. Next week is final clean up, touch up and next friday I will get keys to the house.

The only thing left is landscaping outside and all of the AV gets installed next week as well. Everything else is complete.

Plumbing guys are working on the tank today. We reviewed the plumbing diagrams again- had to modify a bit because of the water change issue. We will plumb so that I can be flexible in the future and add whatever I need to do the changes.

Quick picture of the UV sterilizer that is being installed. Ill have more updates later- Ive been told that we go wet next Wednesday with the tank with a fresh water fill.

Why not use a DoS from Neptune? Or two, or three...

We do 3 gallons a day, not sure if really does anything, but makes we feel good.

Takes no time to setup with Apex Fusion. Could do 15 gallons a day or something.

I do auto water changes as well. About 5 gallons a day goes down the drain, and new water back in to replenish it. And then when I do water changes on the QT tanks, its water from the display I take, so there is some manual as well.
I do auto water changes as well. About 5 gallons a day goes down the drain, and new water back in to replenish it. And then when I do water changes on the QT tanks, its water from the display I take, so there is some manual as well.

Might step up to 5 a day... big baller!
Might step up to 5 a day... big baller!

lol, small ammount and then don't have to worry about keeping the temp in check as it doesnt matter with that tiny amount. I do it the old fashion way though with maxi jets and some apex programming. Definitely not the preferred way of most lol.