1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

lol, small ammount and then don't have to worry about keeping the temp in check as it doesnt matter with that tiny amount. I do it the old fashion way though with maxi jets and some apex programming. Definitely not the preferred way of most lol.

Very true.

We bought the DoS on my birthday because I said I didn't want anything... then changed my mind. Seemed like a cool new product.

It's worked great I have to say :cool:
So is 5 gallons a day better than 25 gallons a week?

Hard to say...

You'll get people that argue both ways.

I like the idea of constant smaller changes.

I also have a ton of growth in our refugium, over skim and carbon dose. Even with 2-3 gallon changes a day our levels are in check.
Ill figure out the water change system later. Just want to get the damn thing plumbed and move into the house. This next week is going to be the longest week of my life!
Socaltoaz, have you considered the Neptune DOS for doing auto water changes? I know Nuxx is using it, and I will be setting one up as well very soon. It may be worth looking in to. The best part about it is that it is all controlled by the Apex.

Oh, and I cannot wait for you to get the damn thing plumbed too!

The Apex Controller imo is the best one out there. It's very versatile and with full customization. Also last year they came out with Apexfusion, which was a firmware upgrade, and now everything can also be easily done on your phone or any computer with an internet connection. I love my Apex, it allows me to see how the tank is doing from anywhere.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG0sMmVryyQ That's the video Bulk Reef Supply put out, but I purchased mine through Salty Critter!!!!
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Have you figured out how to make the fish room bigger yet? ;)

I would DEFINITELY figure out your water change plan before getting too much further with the tank. Automating it would be awesome, but barring that, at least make sure you build a system that will make it easy and not too time consuming.

My systems are small, my RODI is in another building, and water changes are my biggest chore (acutally a real PITA) and I SO wish I had a plumbed in water change solution.

Lastly, I'm surprised you've made it this far along and you're not yet familiar with the Apex. With a 1,000 gal tank and all the associated equipment, a good controller seems like a necessity. If the consultants helping you design and build this system haven't already sold you on a controller, I would start getting nervous about what other details may have been overlooked...

Not trying to be a downer, but I think those three issues above are significant, and I'd slow down a bit and address them before life gets difficult.
You may find the Genesis water change system to be more amenable to a larger tank like this. See slief's thread for more info on uses and set-up.

Have you figured out how to make the fish room bigger yet? ;)

I would DEFINITELY figure out your water change plan before getting too much further with the tank. Automating it would be awesome, but barring that, at least make sure you build a system that will make it easy and not too time consuming.

My systems are small, my RODI is in another building, and water changes are my biggest chore (acutally a real PITA) and I SO wish I had a plumbed in water change solution.

Lastly, I'm surprised you've made it this far along and you're not yet familiar with the Apex. With a 1,000 gal tank and all the associated equipment, a good controller seems like a necessity. If the consultants helping you design and build this system haven't already sold you on a controller, I would start getting nervous about what other details may have been overlooked...

Not trying to be a downer, but I think those three issues above are significant, and I'd slow down a bit and address them before life gets difficult.

There is no doubt Im going to look back on the build and wish I would have done things different. I already have. However, Ive tried to get as good as I can while not wasting money.

I know all about Apex and the automation, however I don't know the specifics and the details.

The plan was to go with an industrial solution for the water changing but I didnt realize that it was going to be 13k.

All the plumbing is in the fish room and there is plenty of room for the RODI because we integrated as much as possible into the sump. Right now, there is plenty of space on the right side of the fish room for the storage tanks and what we are going to do is plumb everything, get the tank cycling and then just work in the plumbing for the RODI and the water changes after the fact. Already discussed everything with my plumbers and there are going to be extra unions and joints so I can add to the system later.
Lots of good progress to report on the home front. Railing is in. We go for certificate of occupancy tomorrow. should get it monday.

Now to the fish stuff - Plumbing is coming along. They have plumbed the sump to the UV sterilizer. The drains and return lines will be done Tuesday as they had to order a few more parts. Those along with the sink will be put on the left side of the fish room:

Here is a close up of the plumbing of the two 230 watt Royal Exclusiv pumps return lines. One line goes to the UV sterilizer and goes back to the tank. The second line splits into two. One line goes back to the tank. However the split allows me to turn a valve and drain the tank as needed for water changes. I was going to automate per my earlier post but decided to just keep it manual for now.

Here is a close up. One line to the UV - through the UV, back under the sump- back to the tank. Second one splits- one to the tank, second is drain.

What you don't see is all the water change stuff on the right side of the room. We will get an RO/DI unit on the right side and a tank for mixing the salt. We will run a pipe from the salt mixer back into the sump. So I can drain the sump with a valve and fill it back up with a valve. Manual for now but will get it automated in the future once we move in and get settled.

Plumbing in the tank goes in Tuesday. Rock work starts on Tuesday. Water in the tank Wednesday. Move in date is next Friday. Once they do the plumbing tuesday on the drain and return lines, Ill hook up the skimmer and all the other goodies inside the tank.
How many watts is your uv sterilizer again? Also how much gph are you planing on running through it?
BTW this is a epic build and fantastic home!
Lots of good progress to report on the home front. Railing is in. We go for certificate of occupancy tomorrow. should get it monday.

Now to the fish stuff - Plumbing is coming along. They have plumbed the sump to the UV sterilizer. The drains and return lines will be done Tuesday as they had to order a few more parts. Those along with the sink will be put on the left side of the fish room:

Here is a close up of the plumbing of the two 230 watt Royal Exclusiv pumps return lines. One line goes to the UV sterilizer and goes back to the tank. The second line splits into two. One line goes back to the tank. However the split allows me to turn a valve and drain the tank as needed for water changes. I was going to automate per my earlier post but decided to just keep it manual for now.

Here is a close up. One line to the UV - through the UV, back under the sump- back to the tank. Second one splits- one to the tank, second is drain.

What you don't see is all the water change stuff on the right side of the room. We will get an RO/DI unit on the right side and a tank for mixing the salt. We will run a pipe from the salt mixer back into the sump. So I can drain the sump with a valve and fill it back up with a valve. Manual for now but will get it automated in the future once we move in and get settled.

Plumbing in the tank goes in Tuesday. Rock work starts on Tuesday. Water in the tank Wednesday. Move in date is next Friday. Once they do the plumbing tuesday on the drain and return lines, Ill hook up the skimmer and all the other goodies inside the tank.

Very nice!! You know that Aqua UV makes some nice black clamps for mounting the UV filters to the wall and they allow the UV to be easily removed as they clip shut.
1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Looks awesome. Don't let fear of missing something bog you down. It's ok if you can't address everything. Besides if it's too automated how much fun will that be? I built and maintained a 600 gallon tank for a number of years. Everyone has their opinions and many believe there is only one way to go about it. I don't particularly believe there is only one way. It seems tanks hit a point when everything stabilizes and it just works and it's best to leave it. Surely, you've heard many conflicting opinions and changing of trends; deep dark bed, now no sand bed; uv sterilizers, and others say no. Another one and the general consensus is you must do frequent water changes, but in my experience I've done the water changes and I have not. I went years doing only random bi monthly changes and only 15 gallos or so and that the corals did better and had more colors when I rarely changed the water. I see some feel very differently about it but I really wouldn't worry. It definitely makes a difference as the tank stabilizes but after a while I doubt you will notice. In either case and my point is you don't need to worry about now.
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