So right now my entire house is controlled by control 4. The audio, tvs, lighting. At dusk the lights outside all turn on, at dawn they shut off.
I wasn't thinking I could do any monitoring with control 4, I was just going to set it up to remotely shut off my return pumps and power heads. I guess I could add another plug to shut off the skimmer as well if needed.
Because my sump room is about 75 feet away, if I want to feed the fish, I have no way to shut off the retun pumps. So my thinking was to just put in a c4 outlet and plug the return pumps in. Put another outlet above the tank and plug in all the power heads into it and hook em both to a switch on the wall. Then when it's time to feed the fish, shut the power off, feed the fish and flip the switch back on.
It's not sexy and automated like apex but it's simple and makes sense to me. Besides that I don't know how to monitor with c4, just a manual flow shut off.
What are your thoughts? Am I on the right track? I figure I already have c4. It works great. Probably one of the reasons im hesitant to integrate another control system like Apex. Too many cooks in the kitchen.