I know we are joking around a bit but I want to be serious for a few moments. It's important to understand that I would never ever sacrifice my family or the necessities of life -food shelter water "“ to help fund a hobby. Everything that was done on the tank was done with discretionary dollars and it was not as if I went into debt to do it.
This is an important lesson in life as I see too many people leveraging their lives on credit cards and living beyond their means. I was a happy man making $16,000 a year back in the day and I'm a happy man now making more money. But at the end of the day I've managed to live my life without chasing frivolous items and trying to keep up with the Joneses.
I've been fortunate to have a great career and a great family and it's important to know that I've preserved enough to give my kids a great life in the future. However they will earn every bit of it and whatever I give them will just be gravy on top. At the end of the day it's important to be aware of your limitations and not go be on them so you can be happy and not just try to chase material goods.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy buying things like anyone else but never at the expense of stressing myself out and not being able to pay the bills. Ok carry on- soapbox over.