1050 Gallon Tank Pics

Thanks for all the great comments about my tank, I feel blessed to be able to come home to it at night after a long day of work and sit back and watch it and to see how everthing interacts it is a blast. I will try to take some more pics soon and post them.
I start building my house around mid July, and the first thing that gets installed after I move in is my tank. I'm doing a lot of research on the size and type of tank I'm looking to install. I do know it is going to be over 200 gallons, and I'm going to build it in the back wall of my bar. :beer:
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These are pics of one of my other tanks it has 180 gallons for a display not near the size of the other one but it is coming along nicely, I have also decided to buy a new skimmer for the bigger tank and would like some input from you guys that have some experience with different skimmers I am looking at either the deltec 1003 or the r2k skimmers so let me know what you think.
THANKS ALOT!!! Whenn I see set ups like this it makes me feel like I am wasting my time with my set up.....Your 2nd and 3rd tanks are bigger and better than mine...

Albert :)
Aruba -

Were those two jack posts installed in front of the sump to help compensate for the weight of the display tank upstairs? Also, is the tank also supported by an outside wall?

Just for my knowledge!!!!


Beautiful tank(s)!!!! Helps keep us all motivated to get our systems up and running!!! LOL
Aruba -

Were those two jack posts installed in front of the sump to help compensate for the weight of the display tank upstairs? Also, is the tank also supported by an outside wall?

Just for my knowledge!!!!


Beautiful tank(s)!!!! Helps keep us all motivated to get our systems up and running!!! LOL

Did you have any regrets about the depth of the display tank?
Aruba, you mentioned you 'had to go diving' - are you a covert marine biologist specialist??? This is oh so gorgeous. Should I continue with my wee little endeavor after this?!!!?!?
I have a 10' tank on order and was curious about your light postition. Are all 10 pendants simply in a straight row across the length of the tank or do you have some in front and some in back?
SIXXER- yes they are to help with the weight of the tank and yes there is a outside wall that supports the weight also, as far as the depth I wish I had more and length but I am very happy with this tank it has been a lot of fun.

AVANSICKLE- I went diving in the Marshall Islands it was mind blowing just to see actual fields of Acroporas and all the other corals I strive to keep healthy and growing it felt like I was a marine Biologist because I had my head in about 25ft of water loving the corals and the rest of the group was more interested in the sharks so anyway it was fun, check out the pics from there in the scuba forum just look for the thread (Marshall Island Pics)

I also wanted to say thanks for all the good comments on this tank as long as there is still interest in it I will continue to add pictures.

I put 4 400's 20k's across the front and 4 400's 20k's across the back and then I had 3 1000's 20k's spaced across the middle of the tank, I had to play with it a little bit just to get it the way I want but it is pretty neat when you get it right I have them set so the 1000's come on 1 hour after the 400's and they shut off one hour before. If I was going to re-do it I think I would just have 6 1000's across the whole tank I really saw a big improvement in color when I added them after the 400's so if you are doing a 10ft tank I would look into them the cost for the initial set-up is not that much higher than 400's but they make it up when it is time to replace the bulbs but it is worth it to me.