12-24 month old frozen food still good?


New member
Hello all,

I know this question should be simple and searched and couldn't find anything. I think the food is fine but I thought, just to be sure, I would ask the experts. So I was doing clownfish breeding about 2 years ago and purchased all types of frozen food, over $100 worth. So now I just setup a new tank and dug out this huge bag of all my old frozen food. It is mostly the cube type and none has frost bite in the little cubes so I think it is safe..

Just seeing if anyone knows for sure before I use it and cause some damage.

Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

I might pitch it, but the fish might still eat it. It's unlikely to harm them, although it might have lost some nutrient value.
Don't know about fish food but I know that I need to eat all the different meat we freeze in a year otherwise it starts tasting like cardboard. I have eaten 1.5-2 year old meat just fine but you can tell it's starting to get old. You could eat 10 year old frozen meat with out getting sick but it wont taste very good.

Some states have laws for game meat that it needs to be eaten or pitched in a years time.
ya it wont hurt the fish,but nutritionally it wont be the same as fresh. if it looks fine, go for it.

i owrk in a grocery store and the frozen product wee sell must be sold by a year from reciept at store fwiw, and who knows what the wharehouse has it for.