120 Gallon reef tank build


New member
I thought I would document my new tank build, partly so others can offer solutions when things inevitably go wrong, partly because I always like seeing a build thread, and partly so I can see the progress of my own tank. This tank is an upgrade from a 90 gallon tank I never really liked that much- I didn't like the stand and it didn't have a canopy- and I hate light leakage. The goal of this tank was to automate as much as possible, as I have found that when my tank gets a bare minimum of husbandry automatically, when life gets in the way (which it does a lot) my tank doesn't suffer as a result. It also leaves more time for testing"¦ I'm also a stickler for noise, so the loudest piece of equipment on this tank are the two ultra-quite pc fans that cool my light. Oh yeah- I also wanted to keep my total expenditure on the build under $1000- that includes every little part, tester, bulb, and salt grain, but no livestock- you'd be surprised how fast it adds up (I kept a complete record). This budget held right up until the moment I purchased an apex :sad2: I travel up to 2 months at a time so I decide that being able to remotely monitor my tank was worth it. As always, comments and criticism appreciated!

Main Display: 120 gallon Oceanic with glass center brace  and dual back overflows. This will be the biggest tank I own for the foreseeable future as it is on the second floor of my house, and 160 gallons total is just a lot of weight. Getting a Herbie overflow to work between 2 separate overflows was a PITA, as you have to deal with 2 different water levels, but surprisingly it worked eventually.


Stand: Oceanic- no center brace which is awesome for working in the sump. Lit by LED strip lighting- which is a great $15 option that provides an ambient light source. No fuge so nothing more needed.

Sump: 40 gallon breeder


Filtration: DIY Automatic mechanical filter in place of socks- which I love, haven't changed a sock in 3 months- similar to the Theiling Rollermat, but in my opinion better and only cost me $30 to make.



Lighting: 6 bulb t5. ATI bulbs, replaced fans with low decibel pc fans, with all the protective metal grating cut away and thermostats running them only as fast as necessary to keep bulbs/ballasts cool. I need to find a way to install a small battery backup into the built in light controller so that it doesn't erase my programming every time I unplug it. Anyone done this before?

Skimmer: JNS cones CO-1 skimmer (hopefully I'll be upgrading to the CO-2 soon). Skimmer drains to a DIY waste reservoir

Return Pump: Tunze 1073.040

Water Circulation: Hydor wave maker 2

Dosing: Jeboa DP-4, dosing 2ml vodka per day and Randy's recipe

Electronics: Battery backup done by an old UPS I hooked up to a deep cycle marine battery. This has the added benefit of keeping my trolling motor battery charged for my very infrequent fishing trips :p The wave maker is the only thing that runs off my battery backup. Everything else goes through the Apex. The apex acts as a backup temp controller for the heaters and as a timer for the filter. Other than that it just monitors the system- I had the entire system up and running for months before I got the apex so I don't rely on it a lot.


Other Equipment: BRS dual chamber running GFO and Carbon

ATO System: A float valve connected to my RODI, with a ball valve set so only ~4 gallons of water can drip in per day- this way if the float valve sticks, as unlikely as that is, I have lots of time to catch the problem. With the added conductivity probe this would be caught rather quickly anyway. I've always been confused by why people run ATO's, when if you have access to a RODI line a much cheaper and more reliable option exists. Maybe someone can enlighten me. I don't think running Kalk is a great argument for it either- since I would much rather run Kalk at a constant rate with a dosing pump somewhere below minimum evaporation rate and make the rest up with RODI. Sorry for my rant


Heating: Two aqueon pro 250W heaters with backup temp controller
Water changes: A holding barrel fills with RODI water that I then mix salt into (I'm currently using Red Sea Pro) and then pump to the FSW reservoir. Water changes are done automatically with shurflo diaphragm pump in the basement pumping water up 2 floors. It pumps about 3 gpm, which is a great gradual water change. The rising water in the sump trips a float switch that powers a small pump that pumps water to the quarantine tank in the basement. Siphon is broken by a simple tee in the line with a bit of hosing tied in a knot. The programmed water changes have really helped me with getting on a consistent dosing level. When I was doing water changes every week or two, the variation in how much I changed and how often didn't allow my tank to settle.



Quarantine tank: 30 gallon with water changes done automatically from the DT. Filtration is a reefoctopus HOB bh-1000 skimmer. ATO is managed by an upside down bottle filled with RO. Excess water drains from overflow to the basement drain.


Feeding: 2 times per day via autofeeder- currently Omega One small pellets, but am considering switching pellets- any suggestions? Cube of frozen food/ nori ~every other day. Fed into DIY feeding ring/ cube melter- just a tube zip tied to a magnet, but it keeps food out of my overflows. I have plenty of clear acrylic tubing available if anyone wants to make one of these.

Fish etc: Hippo tang I inherited with the tank, yellow tang, flame angel, pair of clowns, Klein's Butterfly (I'll probably switch to a copperband sometime soon), orchid dottyback, 3 anthias, blue damsel, coral banded shrimp, anemone, and various snails and hermits.

Corals: We're getting there- taking it slow, trying for the mixed reef holy grail thing. Currently a goniopora, a few monti, favia, some hammers, a few duncans, a torch, an acro, etc.

Future: More corals! I would also like to try the gyre soon. At some point run an apex PM1 to the first floor to monitor my Discus tank and take over the job of the pH controller, a PM2 to the basement to control the diaphragm pump and monitor my FSW reservoir, and maybe another PM1 to monitor the quarantine tank. So just another 800 bucks of Apex junk :uhoh3:
Ill tag along. 120 is my favorite tank size. I had a great 120 with a closed loop and a Calfo style overflow. I sure miss that tank.
interesting, how long does it hold power for ? I was debating doing that but I herd that it will ruin the battery after a year because it is a deep cycle battery.
interesting, how long does it hold power for ? I was debating doing that but I herd that it will ruin the battery after a year because it is a deep cycle battery.

I'm not sure. I know you have to make sure that the ups you use is designed to work with a battery that charges to just above 12 volts and discharges at 12 volts- some of the newer ones run at 13. As long as you do that and keep the load on it low, I think the battery and the ups should be fine, but I have no long term experience. Non li-ion batteries like to stay charged, so I don't see a problem, as long as it's non overcharged. As for run time- I have not tested it, but i am just running the wave maker, so it should probably get me close to a day- depends on the efficiency of the inverter
Update on the 120
Lots more corals and a few more fish!

leopard wrasse, 2 more anthias, copperband!, -1 clown due to carpet surfing , more/different CUC, Purple acro Formosa, Garf purple bonsai, Red planet, deep water gorgonian, Green slimmer, Blue hydno, Orange sunset, Mystic sunset, Rainbow monti, Sideshow bob octospawn, Yellow hammer, Green hammer, Duncans, Various zoas, goniopora, pink micro gonio, more hammers, favia, elegance, frogspawn, blue cap, orange ricordia, green ricordia, blue sympodium, peach digitate, cali tort, dragons breath. And 2 ARC black clowns that need a new home!

New equipment!

Tunze 6105+6205- hydor wasn’t cutting it with the new SPS, now it’s more an issue of can I keep the LPS on the rocks.
Bubble magnus float valve for the quarantine tank
Aquamaxx em200 skimmer- The CO1 skimmer was a better design, but this one has a bigger motor.
Skimmer intake moved to outside with DIY air filter http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2578829



I finally got sick of the rats nest of wires and added a wiring board- still awful, just not quite as awful!


I also added a magnetic stir plate so that I could dose coral food (I'm too lazy to target fee). I filled a bottle with Zooplanktos and reef roids, which hopefully won't spoil. I had to drill out the connections to the jaebo dosing pump as it was getting clogged but other than that it was an easy project. I was thinking about dosing 5ml per day. Anyone have an opinion on if that is too little/too much for a 120 mixed reef?

Finally switched frag tanks- 30g tall was driving me nuts and I couldn't stick any SPS in it because I didn't have a way to dose it. Now I have a 40b full of frags, and a clean DT. Best part is all I had to buy was a autodoser- I had or traded for the rest!

I also added a magnetic stir plate so that I could dose coral food (I'm too lazy to target fee). I filled a bottle with Zooplanktos and reef roids, which hopefully won't spoil. I had to drill out the connections to the jaebo dosing pump as it was getting clogged but other than that it was an easy project. I was thinking about dosing 5ml per day. Anyone have an opinion on if that is too little/too much for a 120 mixed reef?


That is a really cool idea... never thought about that. I might have to look into something similar.
That is a really cool idea... never thought about that. I might have to look into something similar.

FYI the reef roids spoiled very quickly. If I had the option I would run the line into a mini fridge and dose coral food of my own making ( mostly ground fish). The brightwell products don't spoil but I'm not sure how effective they are

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FYI the reef roids spoiled very quickly. If I had the option I would run the line into a mini fridge and dose coral food of my own making ( mostly ground fish). The brightwell products don't spoil but I'm not sure how effective they are

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Thanks. I'd probably start off with something that didn't need to be kept cold and run it via a dosing pump. Or water it down and run it off an aqualifter, which is cheaper and I probably already have.

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