New member
That is an excellent idea! Ha ha, it seems that 20 gallon longs used to be a staple tank that nearly everyone had. Mine is being used as a sump tank now. It's probably 25 years old.I have an old 20 long laying around, currently housing a hitchhiker crab. I'm going to use the old sand/mud/fertilizer that seems to be great at growing seagrass. I'll use an old T5 fixture for lighting. If the seagrass doesn't grow in the new sand, I'll have a backup tank full of it!
What can I say, 20 longs are the best!
Bummer on forgetting the dirt. I hate it when I forget something after a job is done.The sand from Petco came today. I dumped it in and the tank looks pretty unnatural right now. I actually mixed in some sand from my seahorse tank (replaced that with new sand), hopefully that will help the seagrass when I add it back in. Not surprisingly, I completely forgot to add dirt before the sand:sad2:, so I guess I'll wait and see how the seagrass does before I add dirt/mud.
And yesterday the Reefcleaners order came...most of the snails, including all the conchs, haven't moved at all since I added them yesterday, and the Halimeda I ordered looks dead. The acclimation guide says it can take up to 3 days for them to move.
Looks like there are at least 3 different species of Strombus, now let's hope they're alive!