130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

here is the pic I got from Kevin yesterday...
barring any problems she is due here on Friday...
How long have the queen pair been together? Were they introduced together? Amazing, I've never seen two in the same tank.


They were raised together from tiny babies...initialy they were in two sep tanks...and I kept each one to one side so they could always see each other...
The Brazilian does chase the Carrib. from time-to-time but I keep them well-fed and there is no real aggression...
she is here...acclimating now...a huge fish....easily a foot long and close to 2 inches thick...taking my time with acclimation...not going to take any pics until she is in the tank...but an awesome fish...
so far, so good...she seems to be doing just fine...lights have been off all day though I did just turn on the moonlights....she is still in a large piece of pvc...tossed in some food- though I am not sure she ate...did not stick around to watch...might turn on the actinics tomorrow...being patient and want to acclimate her as slowly as possible...

I love your triggers. I am thinking of adding a picasso trigger to my tank that currently houses a 3" mappa and 3" scribbled angel. Do you think I'd have any problems with these guys fighting? Also, is it true that this trigger has to be the last fish introduced? Is he gonna get really mean? Im gonna try and get the smallest size I can find in order to get him to grow into a mellow fish but Im worried if I introduce a too small fish he will get picked on upon introduction. Any advice?
she is doing great...swimming all over..loves silversides and krill...need to get some fresh clams...still not running full lights as she gets a bit skitish..an awesome fish...thought I posted this last night..might have done so in another trigger post..thanks happyjack...