130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

the lack of pics and content in this room is sad to see.
lol, some bad pics with a big stupid lens...
casper- cb by Karen

dash- cb by Karen

6 year old, raised from a tiny skunk, collected by Rufus


another great pic taken by yours truly, lol...ugh


blondie- she is cb from a pair of flamebacks that I sent to Karen for breeding. She is the only one. Blondie is roughly the same age as the Gp, which will be 4 years old in March. Blondie came with the the Gp in June of 2014. She was tiny but bigger than the Gp back then.

This guy and these 2 beautiful females need more space. I still think the alpha female is going to go male the first chance she gets. It will be interesting to watch.


Blondie and one of syd's cb Hawaiian Flames.

One of Syd's cb hawaiian flames crushing the looks dept.


hey sean,

lol, killer place to volunteer, well played!
that must be incredible. anything really cool happening research wise?
what fish are in your tank that gave the babies? if captive bred, do you know the parents? pics would be great. You are talking about the large semi angel? blue with white stripeish, lol??

thanks for reading..


It's pretty fun there. I help work with the tropical diver crew so their reef exhibits and some cold water stuff. They've been trying to grow some Caribbean stuff they collected during the spawn this past summer.

The angels I believe are suppose to be emperors but like I said their dorsal is getting quite long. They are blue and white with the yellow in their caudal and dorsal fins.
some last pics for 2017



Jim- I love the lunula too, but this one is neurotic. Months ago I tried to add her to the dt and the rhinecanthus hybrid was not pleased, and sadly, the lunula was as dumb as a rock as didnt hide but made herself a target for the hybrid. So, I pulled her and added the smaller assasi to the dt. The hubrid wasnt thrilled with that either but the assasi is a savvy little fish and hid immed. The 2 trigs now accept each other, but who know what tomorrow may bring, lol, hmmm, maybe a lionfish:blown:
It's pretty fun there. I help work with the tropical diver crew so their reef exhibits and some cold water stuff. They've been trying to grow some Caribbean stuff they collected during the spawn this past summer.

The angels I believe are suppose to be emperors but like I said their dorsal is getting quite long. They are blue and white with the yellow in their caudal and dorsal fins.

So cool! Could be emps. Emperors from the Pacific have a long dorsal filament, while those from the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea have rounded soft dorsal fins, without filaments. Those around Xmas Island in the Pacific seem to also not have filament. Try and get some pics. Are they selling the offspring?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/K2M5FOzbB1Y?ecver=1" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
True but I havent found one yet that is small, really want to watch it grow...
Found several places with 3"-4" and up, still looking though..
Nice video...

the babies have a diff color pattern and are really adorable fish. yeah, sadly, they dont come up a lot...dd might have had 2-3 over the last 10 years..seems like you might want to reach out to somebody if you really want a baby these days.
R assasi. possible future pita

a lousy picture but the coral beauty looks really cool, and a joc


the coral beauty and a joc


female joc and a cb flame


these fish are so cool and have zero fear or concern about me, my dumb cameras, or the flashes. If anything, they pose directly in front of my lens, stay there for minutes on end, and I still botch em all, lol...

