I built a large plywood tank once and made a made mistake. It was as tall as yours is but a lillte narrower. I used a polyester resin and coated it all with epoxy. Multi coats and reinforced with glass. I cut out an opening on one side for viewing. Inserted a large sheet of 3/4" tempered glass, which rested against the inside edge all around.
To seal the glass I use a heavy bead of marine grade silicone between the tank and the glass. Everything was fine for a month. No leaks. Then all hell broke loose and the tank started leaking between the silicone and the epoxy. In analysising what went wrong, I descovered the heavy silicone bead never fully cured in it's center and the solvent in the silicone slowly eat into the epoxy and lifted it off of the polyester underneath, allowing water to leak out between the glass and the plywood tank. Don't make the same mistake!
If I did it again I would seal between the tank and the glass, or acrylic, using a strip 1/2" thick by 2" wide bunaN rubber, and a light coating of silicone on each side to seal between the acrylic and tank. The silicone will cure more rapidly and the rubber makes a good cushion for any slight irregularities on the coated plywood.
Reinforcing the long sides with two ribs 2 by 6", cut from a sheet of plywood and doubled up for thickness, at 1/3 and 2/3 the way up the side will do it. It will also make a nice steps to work on the tank.
I'd also cut the first three coats of epoxy with a thinner to fully saturate the plywood and all the exposed edges good before starting with the fiberglass reinforcement.
Look forward to seeing the end result.