16th Annual All Ohio Frag Swap - April 4th from 12-4pm

I think you guys are selling yourself short charging just $5 for a table space. But that's just my opinion, should have charged at least $10 for a table space. Considering people are bringing lights and heaters to the swap for the entire 4 hours. I don't think $5 even cover the elec cost of the space. $5 doesn't go that far now a days :). Not trying to cause anything, just saying you guys could charge a little more and I don't anyone would mind.
vietcu, I think you are correct that it is a greater value than what is being charged and shouldn't be a problem but there are always people who resist change. We almost didn't charge the $5 more for table space because we knew there would probably be members that didn't like the new way of doing things. The whole idea was not for the club to make money from sellers. It is more of a method to offset some of the costs of other things we will be doing at the swap.
The club doesn't want to try to drain the pockets of anyone and the whole idea was to make subtle changes that we felt were acceptable to most. When we decided to auction off the left over corals at the frag-athon it was a mixed reaction with some people being very against it. It ended up bringing over $200 back to the club that is normally just raffled off to members.
This promises to be one of the best swaps ever in the new venue with food, drinks and fun for everyone attending!
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Does anyone have a date for when Fragswapper will be fired up ?? I have a feeling that with all the new people who have chimed in here in the last 3-4 months , this could be one hell of a afternoon ,,,,,and fragswapper will be busy this year for this swap .. cant wait for it to get here . Beer, frags ,food you have to be kidding me ,,,,, three of the essentials of life ...
HMMMM One month before the swap :) Starting it any earlier you get those people that reserve frags and don't show up due to they didn't know something was coming up on that date that would cause them to miss it. Starting it one month before is the tried and true best method of doing the swapper.
Not trying to cause anything, just saying you guys could charge a little more and I don't anyone would mind.

Wise man is one who speaks for himself only.:eek1:

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There is little doubt given the caliber of this event in the past that we could easily get away with charging more at the door. However, in light of the current economic climate coupled with the roots of the swap we figured we would hold pricing and hope more attend. Because expectations for the raffle are always high, I can't guarantee this will always be the case as donations dwindle and the club incurs more cost to put it on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14491084#post14491084 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kreeger1
The extra 5 bucks could also help with the increasing need to buy raffle items as the years go on and more club hit vendors up for freebies
are you saying the raffle losses money?
Although profit is not the goal, historically, the raffle has always benefited the club. Money made at the annual swap ultimately goes to annual expenses such as arranging speakers, etc for the following year.

As more club/swaps pop up and economic times trend as they have been, companies are much more reluctant to donate raffle items. Therefore, in order to ensure a good spread, the club will have to continue to invest more money into the raffle thus decreasing the gain.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14495935#post14495935 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tonycip
are you saying the raffle losses money?

Nope tony, Didn't say anything remotely close to that. Not even sure how you got that conclusion out of my post at all??? I just stated that we need to buy Items like last year. Most Stores and suppliers don't donate to clubs anymore due to to many events like this going on.

On that note
Greg From Aquatic Tech will be donating a Ice Cap ballast this year to the raffle.
Thanks Greg!
Actually a change from Greg, instead of one ballast it will be 3 IceCap Metal Halide bulbs. Winners choice as to wattage and Kelvin.
Thanks again
I ticket request has been sent in to Frag swapper, I will make a new post as soon as I start it up. Look for it March 4th.
I've never been to one of these yet. So I apologize for the noob question...Is this open to the public or do you have to be a member to attend? Also, I assume that there will be frags and equipment for sale?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14494522#post14494522 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Burgman
Wise man is one who speaks for himself only.:eek1:


I guess some people do mind paying a few extra dollars out of their pocket. I will pay my $5 for the entrance fee, and $5 for the table space. Just worried that it will take away money from the club charging so little for something that everyone in the hobby would be more than willing to pay more to go to such an event. Will end it at that though, don't want to rub anyone the wrong way.
I wish it was on Sunday or at least went later into the night. I have to work until 5:00 pm on Saturdays. So I will have to miss it. :( :( :( :( :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:
yeah, im trying to get out of work as well.. with the new job, i work till 8 on saturdays.. so even the monthly meets will be difficult
Frag swapper is getting close now, Can we please get this swap info up on c-sea's website already? Maybe even Front page info!!