I think I may have omitted the fact, i filled the new tank with mainly tap water(80%) the rest a mixture of RO and water from my old tank.
It wasn't really practical to use RO water instead. Of course I realised the promblems that may be caused with the high levels of phosphates but i did have a plan....
Water parameters yesterday were:
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5-10 popm (I thinks the mangroves are doing a marvelous job along with the protein skimmer)
Hardness: 180
Alk: 240-300
PH: 8.5
However...yesterday I bought my phosphates test kit (along with a bottle of 37.5% proof voka)
Phosphates: 5-10 (not good), I knew the levels were gonna be high and some of my rock and sand has developed a rust like brown algae.( Despite the fact I have 100ml of phosphate remover in the sump, to be fair, my calculations were incorrect and this should have been 200ml)
I worked out the NQV (net aquarium volume i.e Display tank + Sump + skimmer - rock displacement ( around 30% of Display and sump) and started my voka dosing
1ml per 25 Gallons, therefore for 3 days I will be dosing 5ml per day, days 4-7 I will adjust the dosing amounts (...there was a thread on reef central with instructions on this, I will make sure I find it so I can give proper thanks to its author)
By weeks 3-4 by nitrates and phosphares should be pretty close to 0
....fingers crossed
(Apparantly, as voka is carbon based the nitrate and phosphate molecules are attracted to this carbon source and converted to a easy to remove (via the protein skimmer) substance, which also apparantly leads to an increase in skimmer performance. There is a potential side effect for which a ozone reactor or activated carbon (which I have hanging in the sump) negates....I'll let you know how I get on