OK - time for an update.
I am still battling the hair algae problem, and I seem to be making a tiny bit of progress.
For the last 2 weeks I have not used actinic lighting. I just checked and my new 420/460 nm bulbs are on the FedEx truck for delivery! YAY.
About a week ago I installed the new IceCap 14K bulbs. I really like the look.
On Sunday I added a Sea Hare and 10 more conchs. There is definitely a difference in the sand (a lot less diatoms visible) and on the rocks - wherever the hare passes.
I am still running GFO in a fluidized reactor and may be changing media again soon.
I feel like my thread has gone far too long without pictures, in large part because of the algae problem, but I managed to grab a few yesterday. They aren't the best, in terms of lighting and focus, but I wanted to get some images back on here.
The Acan continues to grow nicely. I wonder if it will "spill over" to the rock its on. I don't know how much more it can grow, but would love to see it spread
Various Zoanthinds: