Bleedfire- Yeah he is, but not worth wasting your time on.
Palmer- not much to update, just that i've started feeding baby brine shrimp like i talked about a few posts ago. I'll show you how I do it.
So day 1, I mixed up new saltwater, and did a 5 gallon "water change". The water from my tank I used for the brine shrimp hachery in another 5 gallon bucket.
After that i added ~3g of brine shrimp cycts. (i could only get 6g tubes of cysts from SFB Brand)
I used a piece of acrylic and drilled 2 holes in it to add rigid airline tubing for high airation in the 5 gallon bucket.
Day 2 came around, and I added ~20mL of DT's Phytoplankton to the "hatchery" (it was 5 capfuls so i figured each was about 4mL)
And day 3 (tonight) I put the 5 gallon bucket above my tank (on the main level of my house) and ran some airline tubing down and into the tank so i can slowly siphon the 5 gallons of water/brine shrimp into the tank.
As the 5 gallons drains from the bucket upstairs, I'm going to slowly siphon out 5 gallons of water from the tank into another bucket and use that for the next culture. I tried to get a picture of the cycsts flowing into my tank, but I have a simple digital camera so i couldn't get anything too close or it was blurry.