180 gallon upgrade (skimmerless)

The picture size is fine. I can actually see what is going on in them. Thx.


lol ok good i wasnt sure if it was too much bandwidth or something. its probably the somputer screen is too small of this computer, the other one is like 5 inches bigger so i can fit the whole pic in teh screen instead half of the pic.

i think today im going to switch from teh spotlight bulbs back to the curly Qs w/ reflectors. i think i get better spreadage that way, just keeping you in the loop sltloser.
Tank looks good, a little hair algae here and there but that never hurt anyone ;). The ATS has a little ways to go, but once it's fully matured I think you'll lose all the HA in your DT. The corals all look really good though, no RTN or even bleaching on the acros (and they've retained color) and the softies look great as well. I agree with dave on the size, i like having them big so i can see what's going on :)
lol 'a little hair algae here and there'. today i cleaned the scrubber, replaced the spotlight bulbs with curly qs and the metal reflectors (supposed to spread the light better instead of focusing and kill 1 spot) and tipped out about 8 grams (or is it onces?) of GHA from the DT lol. ive been talking to a freind who also has an ATS on his tank and he said he didnt see results for a good 2 months. im 1 month into it. patients, ugh!

on the pic of the chalice you can sortof see 2 pale spots ont he acro(?) behind the chalice. i think it RTNed there but its growing back so im not worried. im suprised at how well the colors have stayed the same for ALL the corals in the tank, i even think the zoas are doing better in this setup because there is more nutrient particles in the water which the softies/zoas use to grow.

enough about my tank, any updates on yours?
so was that the point....that you could have a saltwater tank without a skimmer....or was it to show u can have a real reef tank with happy healthy colorful corals and fish?? Because I think we all new you could do what your doing...but no one wants too. We strive for something good to look at and its been over a year now so i would say all you did was prove that skimmers are needed. The sad truth is that I do think what you are trying to do is possible....first off because I have done it for several years and second there is a lot of other people who do it with much better representations than this. All this looks like is someone who cant really afford a reef tank and takes home all the crap his boss at the local pet shop doesnt want. Which is fine but dont try and post it with the intentions of enlightening us all.

what an a$$hole
Bleedfire- Yeah he is, but not worth wasting your time on.

Palmer- not much to update, just that i've started feeding baby brine shrimp like i talked about a few posts ago. I'll show you how I do it.

So day 1, I mixed up new saltwater, and did a 5 gallon "water change". The water from my tank I used for the brine shrimp hachery in another 5 gallon bucket.


After that i added ~3g of brine shrimp cycts. (i could only get 6g tubes of cysts from SFB Brand)


I used a piece of acrylic and drilled 2 holes in it to add rigid airline tubing for high airation in the 5 gallon bucket.


Day 2 came around, and I added ~20mL of DT's Phytoplankton to the "hatchery" (it was 5 capfuls so i figured each was about 4mL)


And day 3 (tonight) I put the 5 gallon bucket above my tank (on the main level of my house) and ran some airline tubing down and into the tank so i can slowly siphon the 5 gallons of water/brine shrimp into the tank.


As the 5 gallons drains from the bucket upstairs, I'm going to slowly siphon out 5 gallons of water from the tank into another bucket and use that for the next culture. I tried to get a picture of the cycsts flowing into my tank, but I have a simple digital camera so i couldn't get anything too close or it was blurry.
wow really smart shouldof thought of something like that. so then your just feeding the cysts to your fish and corals or are you letting the brine shrimp hatch?
Nope letting the brine shrimp hatch, gut loading them with DT's, then feeding them that (they're very tiny and white, you don't want to let them get full grown or they'll be too large for the coral polyps). The cysts (eggs) are left over and float to the top, they're just the capsules left over. My whole system LOVES them, I feed them right after lights out. It takes about 2 hrs for me to drain the 5 gallon bucket (that's just how slow i put them into the tank) then they're game for anyone in the tank!
LOL i guess everyone else on here with nicer tanks than your dump are all just not as smart as you....we must just have a better job and can afford to waist money on equipment that is not needed!!! OMG I forgot how far up Erics ... you are....so funny! Maybe your tank will crash like his and you can blame it on someone else too!! Get a new role model and grow up Kid!!

There are plenty of different ways to create a reef tank, not just one way! Try not to humiliate yourself furthermore..

Nice growth pics! Awesome setup man!
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yup..looks skimmerless to me :crazy1:


Just to give Brady some credit I have incorporated a ATS into my new tank.
And if you want to get technical I wasn't the first one to start flinging mud on reefcentral...i do believe you came on my thread calling me a moron when I have never said and unkind word to you on here or anywhere for that matter! So how about we bury the hatchet and get back to reefing??
the difference between ATS tanks and skimmer tanks is the 1-2 month 'break in' period for the scrubber before it starts working 100% compared to skimmers working within a week. sure people see 'better' results on skimmer tanks compared to scrubber tanks but scrubbers leave proteins in the water for the corals compared to skimmers removing them. on a reef im 100% sure im going to go with a scrubber but on a FOWLR i will admit ill use a skimmer, the ones i use are cheap, plug and play, and work.

anyhows, any updates? im getting bored lol.
elegence- we can bury the hatchet and move on

palmer- no updates as of now, not really much going on. I'm away from the house for a few days so i'll see if anything new has happend when i get back.
Not going to lie i am really liking my new ATS! Have you given a thought on using one of the vertical ATS that people are using a lot on here?
It does take up to 12 weeks tO rid a tank of cyno and hair algae with a scrubber. But once it's established it will NEVER be seen again! I have recently put an ats on my tank and I am see results even with the poorly made one I have , I do believe if you make a scrubber like it's supposed to be made it will work great.

For you skimmer folks read this