180 RR help on peninsula style

john rochon

New member
Okay, I cannot find anyone with a standard dual back overflow 180 that has set it up with 3 side viewing. Short of removing the bottome drilled overflows
what has anyone else desinged to make it looke nice? maybe panels to cover the overflows? I would like a coast to coast but the removal of the overflows
looks daunting.
I recently saw a 180 or 210 RR that was set up 4 sides viewable. It came out pretty nice, they had custom stand and canopy and had matching wood panels to cover the back of the overflows. I will try to dig up the pic.
I tried a bunch but couldn't find the post, sorry. It looked rather nice I must say. Maybe someone else knows who's tank it was.
marineland will build the tank to your specs, but if you already have the tank and its regularly drilled, you can remove the overflow boxes and glue a peice of glass over the holes. Then drill the side(back) of the tank and put in a coast to coast overflow box over the bulkheads.

We did this with a 180g at a store I used to work at. It works great. Also a local guy here did that with his 90g and it worked fine as well.
yep I'm well versed on drilling /plumbing as I just did this on my 120g but,, I'm
not wanting to spend much time in altering this tank. might have to though.
would just like to see if someone made nice panels or such to cover overflows from other viewing side.
I am trying to do this on my tank. Couldn't you just take the overflows out and cap the bulkheads instead of sealing it with glass?