180g Starphire A.G.E on its way!

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Hey terry, Im gonna plumb my tank this weekend I think. Ive noticed your PVC looks like its semi flexible, but not that no kink stuff. Curious where you got it at, home depot? And also, is it infact semi flexible?
Hey Joe, it's spaflex. I got mine at a local Osh hardware store, but I think you can find it at HD/Lowes.

It is *slightly* flexible.
Enough to sag if I am off in my measurements by a little at least? How much was that stuff per foot, if you recall?
oh yeah, the longer the run, the more flexible it is. If you recall the piece I run from my return pump to the return bulkhead, it's a pretty long run, and you can see it bends around the top corner of my sump.

The shorter runs are more rigid and hard to flex. It was tough to get my sump out when I put my BK in there because that small piece of spaflex was pretty rigid. I'm just glad I didn't hard plumb it. I would have had to cut it.

Sorry, don't remember how much it cost
make sure you buy extra, and when you cut it, cut it longer than you need it. Then dry fit it and mark out the extra part that needs to be cut out.
hey guys,
in another thread somebody mentioned to me you can use a heat gun to warm up the spaflex and hold it in a position, and when it cools that will be its resting pose. this would take some of the pressure off the rest of the plumbing if it works.

have not tried this myself but I plan to as I'm using a combination of spaflex and rigid PVC in my build.
Nice, thanks. Kinda funny, I was looking through the early stages of your post, and found this post:

"4.5x turnover, LOL! I'll prob leave the 6060 in there as well until I find a new controllable Tunze I'm a Tunze guy"

Only 4.5x at one time! lol. HD and OSH didnt have prices or the products online, so that kinda sucks. Lets hope I dont butcher this plumbing this weekend.
At least I flip flop BEFORE I buy my stuff lol.... but I just read it, and I think you were laughing at the 4.5x I was bored and skimmed through the majority of the first 20+ pages. Kinda tend to miss things lol.
dang, that was fast! OK, now I remember that, seeing it in context with the previous post. haha, that 6060 + 6080 were sold for my *controllable* 6101 :)
no, Mark was giving me a hard time cause he said the 6080 I picked up to replace the 6060 was only 4.5x more turnover, so I decided to leave both in the tank. That 6080 was in my tank for literally 4 hours before I sold it.
The 6080's do push a lot of water. 2250gph, but I wanted a controllable Tunze. That was why I sold the 6080 and 6060
letting you guys/gals know.. Aquarium specialty is having a huge Tunze sale. I got a 6055 for $200....

T-bone: The Tunze controller comes with a moonlight? I didn't know that, interesting.
I cant justify spending the money for a 6055 lol. Its not much more flow than the 6045s, but its controllable. However its just about 2x the price. I'll take 2x the flow over the controllable version.
i cant justify the 6045 or the 6055 i bought 6025 and 6045 are the same pump BTW. once modded there output is exactly the same.

by far my favorite pump is the 6025 modded.
I"m sure you guys know this already, but random flow is just as (if not more) important that total flow ;)

Concrete - the 7095 comes with a single moonlight. Nothing to write home about, though! :p
TBone what about the importance of laminar flow, like in gyre systems?

in the past couple years from what i have seen and read random flow has been questioned and a movement towards overall water movement and switching laminar flow has occured.

I run my 6055 on 100% all the time i dont even know why i have the controller, turning it down to 30% for 5 seconds only limits the total volume of water in my tank that it can move.

IMO a wave is the most beneficial and efficient "random flow". when you harness a pump/controller to move all the water in the tank and not just blow a stream, you are really getting efficient.
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