180g Starphire A.G.E on its way!

...I think I'm officially back in the game. Realized tonight I'm already running out of room for frags :lmao:...
Holy cow dude that's a hella lota corals...is this before or after your new shipment? Nice selection from Atlantis BTW, I wish we had a coral shop like that down in the OC.
LOL, this is after. I also picked up 5 chalices last night from a local reefer :spin3: I think it's time again for me to disappear for another couple of years...this time just to let the tank grow in though :beer:
watch out mpoletti, super photos coming your way :lol2:
I think I need a bigger tank. I don't know what I'm going to do when this stuff starts growing out :D



Well Sang, I am more of a fish guy (ok Tang guy) than coral guy. I'm looking. I tend to prefer to buy fish from local reefers over online, so I know they're established, eating, healthy etc.

Hey, was over at Neptune Saturday. Robert said I missed you by an hour. It was the 2nd time I came in shortly after you. LOL
Well Sang, I am more of a fish guy (ok Tang guy) than coral guy. I'm looking. I tend to prefer to buy fish from local reefers over online, so I know they're established, eating, healthy etc.

Hey, was over at Neptune Saturday. Robert said I missed you by an hour. It was the 2nd time I came in shortly after you. LOL

Whew, another close call.:lol2:
Whew, another close call.:lol2:
OK...that left a mark :lmao:

Damn Terry you stocked up fast, come a year from now you'll have a SPS forest :thumbsup: That hammer is huge by the way and is that a frogspawn on the far left?
OK...that left a mark :lmao:

Damn Terry you stocked up fast, come a year from now you'll have a SPS forest :thumbsup: That hammer is huge by the way and is that a frogspawn on the far left?

Sang and I banter like we've known each for years, yet we've never met :lmao:

Yup, that's a hammer and frogspawn. Both started as maybe 2-3 head frags 2years back. Based on their growth and the monti-cap growth, which started as a frag on a disk, my tank would be fully mature if I had not thrown out all my SPS a couple years back secondary to my AEFW, RB, monti-eating nudi episode. These were the only coral I kept.

I stock much faster than you "coral" guys cuz I just buy what appeals to me visually, whether it has a "name" to it or not :)