180g Starphire A.G.E on its way!

Yeah, Greg rocks dude. One of the best stores out there for high end lights. I swear, everytime I see an ATI fixture, I keep looking for the Apple logo.:)
Hey, it looks like you actually got around to glueing down your frags :p

Nice fixture Terry :thumbsup:
Yeah, Greg rocks dude. One of the best stores out there for high end lights. I swear, everytime I see an ATI fixture, I keep looking for the Apple logo.:)

Yup, I've been ordering stuff from Greg for years now. Have no reason to go anywhere else. Great service.

Nice fixture....

Sweet little Bellus and PBT you got there, I'm a Desjardin fan too!!!

I haven't met a tang I didn't like :lol: Desjardini is a pig. oink oink

Hey, it looks like you actually got around to glueing down your frags :p

Nice fixture Terry :thumbsup:

:lol: After glueing them down, I spy some more spots I can glue more fuzzy sticks to :D

Iz-uhhh... Belly, belly, uh... Nice-uh. :D

Paul, you've been out of the game longer than me. Get back in already! :lol:
Wow that ATI is sexy, I likey. Almost makes me want to go back to T-5s. BTW I also diggin the floor tile pattern and the wall the tank is on. Nice modern look.
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Thanks, guys.

Dan - I went the opposite route. MH on my last tank to T5's this time. Although I miss the shimmer from halides, I don't miss my electric bill! (also had a pond w/ waterfalls in our last house). Thanks, also, for your kind words on the tile and kitchen. We love modern design :)

Terry, How many tangs do you have in there now? Do they show aggression towards each other or any other fish? I used to have a sohal, which was one of my favorite fish but he chased every other fish in the tank so I had to 86 him.
Not enough tangs :frog: :lol:

Right now, I have a purple, powder blue, desjardini, blonde naso, and sohal. I lost my achilles. Looking for another one.

They all get along. The sohal is the boss though, but he's all show. When I introduce a new tang in, he'll hover around for a day and then let-up. He's too busy looking for food to chase tangs around :lol:
I think I'm officially back in the game. Realized tonight I'm already running out of room for frags :lmao: Please excuse my sandbed. I just can't keep it clean despite weekly vacuuming :mad:






