2 acros fell onto other corals and got the worst of it.. what to do now? w/pics


Active member
ok well yesterday i cam home from a long day of work to see what.... my acan lords colony was knocked over by my large turbo snail onto my baseball size pink pocciloporra colony....

i picked up the acans and they obviously stung the crap outta the pocci.... so now the pocci has one branch thats totally white and dead.... the rest of the coral is polyped up and fine but will this dead area continue to spread or will it stay the way it is and survive.....

ok so i thought that was the worst of my luck.....

so now on to today.... again.... came home from work and what did i find today! my F'n turbo knocked over my wild acro yellow with pink tips mini colony into my red yuma.... and u know who won that fight! the YUMA....

so now this thing looks like about 1/4th of it is really damadged / dead / dying off.... being that this is a wild colony im fearful the whole thing is guna stress and RTN.... it was a nice coral nice a hairy....

so what should i do....

do i try to frag off dead parts as of now or do i leave them alone and see what happens first and see if they survive or if they continue to die off....

i had only 4 turbos in my 180 but they are the size of golfballs so i took them out and now they are in my sump until i bring them to the LFS to trade for some smaller less destructive snails

ill attach the pics in a second!

thanks for any help
ok first photo...

my pocci is in the center of the photo... you can see a branch on the back side is totally dead and its kinda conected to a few other branches so im concerned that its guna spread and kill more of the colony....

what do u guys think....??


next pic....

my wild coral... this one got totally messed up by my yuma.... as u can see its pretty bad multiple branches are dead/dying.... what do i do? give it more time to see what it does or start fraggn ASAP?



i hate large turbos!
What does your intuition tell you? I could make an argument either way. I would go with what my gut tells you. If your gut doesnt tell you anything then listen to suggestions...MY gut would be let it be due to what caused the problem....the local sting may be all you experience and if this happens to be the case then why frag and cause more problems....I would adopt a wait and see policy. If it was something else that caused this it would be a different approach....
wait it out. I've had my SPS come back after a little while. fragging is only going to stress the coral out more. if the situation persists and the coral STN's or RTN's, frag it then
Your coral will be fine, if you're that worried rub a little seachem reef dip on the white parts if you can pull the corals out of the water, if not the coral will grow over it.
so it sounds like they can recover or at least not totally die off from an injury like this??

if thats the case then ill let them be for now and see what happens ill continue to monitor how they react....

im more worried about the second smaller coral since it had alot of damage to it and since its wild i figured it would RTN and die for sure.... wild corals always seem to do that in my tank lol

anyways so everyone is sayin stick it out...

have u guys had something like this happen to u before as well?? i mean 2 corals in 2 days those turbos should be escargo for sure!