2 purple tangs together??


New member
Hello everyone. So I have a 550 gallon mixed reef, running for 2 1/2 years now. Everything is doing great. Current fish list includes:
4"- purple tang
4"- Achilles tang
3"- powder blue tang
4"- white tail bristletooth tang
6"- blonde naso tang
7"- orange shoulder tang
Midas blenny
Sixline wrasse
The only other big fish I was going to add was a pair of triggers & stick mainly with small fish from here on until I was full.

A friend of mine is getting out of the hobby & wants me to take the fish which includes:
4"- purple tang
3"- yellow tang
Big starry blenny
Arc eye hawkfish
Matted file fish
Flame angel
My question for everyone, is should I attempt to add any of these clean/healthy tank accustomed fish to my system or is that to much of a risk with 2 purple tangs & a yellow tang? I definitely don't want any casualties. Any input or advice & explanations would be great. Thanks for your time. [emoji4]. Happy reefing!!!
A few crappy i-phone pics
I've seen large tanks - 500 gal. at least - at public aquariums which house aggressive tangs together successfully. I've seen clown tangs and Achilles together, and other species which would kill each other in smaller tanks. I'd say a 550 would be okay with the fish you mentioned. HOWEVER! I've never done it myself. For all I know, those tangs at the public aquariums all killed each other an hour after I left.

I'm sure there are a number of reefers here with equally large tanks who can answer from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. That's really the only info I trust - and even then, you have to be careful.

I'm a bit leery of two purple tangs of that size. If introduced at the same time, not so much to worry. But the first one may get riled. I believe I'd take out the current tang (don't ask me how) and place him else where for a while, then introduce both tangs at once.

Has anyone had real life experience with adding an additional tang in a big tank?
And that's what I am afraid of. Most of my fish have been in there for atleast 2 years. My newest fish were the powder blue, Midas blenny & sixline wrasse, & they have been in there for a little over a month now. My purple & Achilles pushed him around for about a week or so but now they get along for the most part. I can't really rearrange my rocks to throw them off, so I'm concerned about it. But it would be nice to have 2 purples in my tank, they are one of my favorite fish. I just don't know if it will work out the way I want or if it's even worth the risk.
I tried it before and it’s hit/miss. Had 3 Achilles and one didn’t survive. Best course I’d action is to catch your old purple and either sump him or brute bin him for a week while your new purple gets settled. Even then the old purple will remember the tank and possibly try to go after the new guy
Agree it's hit or miss. If two tangs decide they hate each other even 550 gallons won't be enough. I've got a purple and yellow in my 450, previously a 265, and though they do coexist, it's not without plenty of bickering.
I have three Zebrasomas in an 80gal
(Yellow, purple, sail fin)
I place the last one in an acclimation box floating in the tank for 4-5days first

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I have three Zebrasomas in an 80gal
(Yellow, purple, sail fin)
I place the last one in an acclimation box floating in the tank for 4-5days first

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And I was worried about to many tangs in 550 gallons. Are you planning on a bigger tank in the future?
Don't do it!

Even if they get along perfectly for a year....
one will eventually become ALPHA and KILL the other being in a confined glass box.

95% chance one will eventually kill the other one....but it may take several several months or a few years
I tried it before and it's hit/miss. Had 3 Achilles and one didn't survive. Best course I'd action is to catch your old purple and either sump him or brute bin him for a week while your new purple gets settled. Even then the old purple will remember the tank and possibly try to go after the new guy

+1 If your established purple tang was a noticably smaller odds of longterm success would be better but being roughly the same size odds of success are not good. You might try using a large acrylic acclimation box for a week or longer if you're adamant about trying it
Alton have 2 Purple tangs in his reef, but I think he put two babies in at the same time when they were tiny.
Many people have more than 1 Yellow tang in a tank. Purple Tangs are more aggressive than Yellow IME.
I am not sure how the two 4 inches tangs first meet each other in a 550 gal tank. Not many people have a 550 gal, still not many people add an adult Purple to a tank that already have another mature Purple. You will be the first IMO. Keep us update.

I would make sure that you can catch one of them out quickly
Sea Side Aquatic have large acclimating box for not too expensive, big enough for a 4 inch tang. You may call them. I just got my box from them.
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I had 2 purples in a 180g 15 years ago and they were fine... fast forward now I have 2 that are 2.5” in a 625g and they are aggressive toward one another even though they were QTed together and have been in my DT now for 5 months.
Thanks for all the replies to my questions. I think I'm just going to trade them off for some corals. I have a lot of time & money invested into a good healthy DT & I'd hate to have to start all over because of one gamble. I do think with my size of tank I would've been ok to introduce them both at the same time but since the one I have is pretty much the boss of my tank I don't think I'd have very good results & the last thing I want to do is see it end up in casualties. I can always use some good corals!!!! [emoji4]