2 six-pack left of coronitas


New member
I just finish cleaning my tank, so if someone is on the area or near Pembroke Pines and wants to stop by to take a look just call me 954-536-2012
I still have 2 six pack left of coronitas
Happy reefing
Any specs on the tank? I will be done in the library soon and might want to stop on by.

Oh and I think coronitas is beer, or I hope it's beer. :)


About to leave the library but I still have alot of the HW to do. Next time you are open though I would love to check out your tank, which looks amazing!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11813375#post11813375 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rrigau
corona beer is 12 oz and coronitas are 7 oz

coño, what are you... on a diet? :D

I guess a little beer is better than no beer, right Rogger? Oops.

The tank looks great, Ric. Congrats.
Dang that's a nice tank. Too bad you're only serving 7oz.... :(

J/k. Thanks for the offer. If I wasn't up at school, I would definitely stop by just to see that magnificent softy tank :)
Look this is what happen I went to Publix and they have the case of Corona extra at 13.99 12 oz-12 and the one for Coronitas a 13.99 7oz -24 you do the math
How the heck do you get a lime in that small of a bottle?

Beautiful tank, by the way... congrats!
How the heck do you get a lime in that small of a bottle?
He just drinks that tiny bottle so he looks bigger at the bar, and no one will mess with him ;-)

Beautiful tank, by the way... congrats!
Ah!! I know what coronas are, but I guess that my eyes have always over looked the small beers.:beer:
Really nice tank.