exactly my point. I think I have about 35 fish in my tank and that's good enough for me in terms of large fish. I have to really keep myself in check in that regard, but the LFS around here are so bad I won't buy out of their tanks.
So I am contemplating a large school of very small fish, that's about it. I don't want to have to get rid of fish later on, but I have read recently that some people believe that if you over populate a tank the fish will be less aggressive. I am not sure I buy that, but it is an interesting theory indeed. My situation is that I want to keep my bio-load low through the first couple of years so I can learn more about coral husbandry, and once I feel I have a good grasp of that, then I might add more fish.
Side note that my PLTA has moved front and center again, and this time brought the sebae clown with it, right into the maroon's territory. Interestingly enough, they are not fighting at all, so a total about face on that issue. Animal behavior is so interesting to study. How their attitudes change towards each other without any overt reason is strange.