200g build thread.....


Hey fellow reefers,

I recently acquired a used 200g tank, dimensions 54"L x 36"W x 24"H w/ Starfire front panel. Some of the other equipment include(input is welcome):

-XTREME 250 Skimmer
-2 x Lumenarc w/20k 400w XM
-2 x 46.5" SA VHO
-2 x Tunze 6100 and controller
-1 x Tunze Wavebox
-Aqua Medic dosing pump for DIY 2 part
-Fluidized reactors, RO/DI etc etc

I have been in the hobby since 2005 and currently have a 90g SPS reef. The new tank probably won't be installed till spring but want to get everything ready to go in the mean time.

I would appreciate some input on substrate. My current tank is BB but has struggled with nitrate. I would like to do a DSB of some type with this tank but with it being 24"H I thing it would eat up too much space. So here are my options:

-BB w/ remote sandbed
-Super SSB (bottom covering of crushed coral) w/ remote DSB
-SSB with carb reefgrade seafloor 1-2" w/ remote DSB
-And full DSB in display

Another item I would appreciate some feedback on is the stand. I enjoy to keep costs low and DIY. Not sure if my wood skills would be up to that type of stand but I'm considering Tile or some type of stone or faux stone panel.

thanks guys...and here is a pic

not to answer for him but it appears it was a penninsula type design with the overflow being on the 36" side, notice the second black silicone line on the left front side.

As for a suggestion on BB or SSB another option is one that I used on a little nano awhile back that had alot of flow. If you prefer the BB route but don't want to look at the flat glas bottom take a tube of silicone, a 4" putty knife, and a bag of coarser aragonite substrate and using the putty knife spread a VERY THIN layer of silicone on the bottom and then sprinkle the SS on that and pat it in. This will give the appearence of a sand or CC bottom with all the advantages of BB then just add a RDSB for the denitrification. If you go that route make sure the silicone is VERY THIN because you don't need much and if you get it to thick it'll take forever to cure and it should be fully cured before thinking about adding water.

As for the DIY stand if you have any experience in woodworking there's no doubt you can build a stand that will hold the tank. The question is will you be able to build it so that you like the way it looks and that's where craftmanship comes in and craftsmanship normally comes from lots of experience or lots of start overs :) I'd say give it a shot and if you like the way it turns out great if not then the wood normally isn't to expensive so you're not out much with the attempt and you can look around for a master carpenter or cabnit maker depending on your budget.
Yes....the overflow is the back section. Not my ideal but since I want to install it penisula style as well it should work good. I may get some black silcone and give a thin coat on the overflow side of the glass. Don't know why it was clear glass like that.

As for the stand I think I want something different than the traditional wood stand. Perhaps wood but dark stain. Again I'm still thinking about tile, stone, or faux stone as well. Not really sure.

Thanks for the suggestion Mike. Where you not concerned that the bottom stationary sand would eventually get covered in coraline and since it would be a bumpy surface did it hold on to detritus?
even if you want to face it in tile or stone you'll still need to have a structure which would normally be wood or sometimes metal or even cinder blocks. The problem I see with stone face is that it would make getting access under the tank difficult in most situations and I'm not sure where you're sticking your equipment but most use that space under the tank for all kinds of things.

As for the bottom coraline may be an issue but I didn't really have a problem with it on my setup as for detritus buildup it's not a problem unless you don't have enough flow but even then you could remove it in the same manner you would with any other BB setup. In essence all you're doing is having a BB setup without the unsightly glass bottom.
I'm really looking for some input on the substrate issue......I got my mind boggled about this.