2013 Monthly Meeting Schedule & Events


New member
2013 Meeting Schedule
** Meetings start at 7:00 PM, unless noted otherwise in the specific e-mail for the month.
** All meeting dates are Saturday.

January 19th --- Host: Jason Weiner's home, details to follow in separate e-mail

February 16th --- Host: Open

March 16th --- Sponsor Host evening --- TBD

April 20th --- Annual Frag Membership Drive --- Sponsor Host evening ---TBD

May 18th --- Host: Open

June 15th --- Host: Open

July 20th --- Host Open

August 17th --- Host: Open

September 21st --- Sponsor Host --- TBD

October 19th --- Host: Open

November 16th --- Host: Open --- Election of 2014 Officers

December 14th --- Sponsor --- TBD

We are asking that members volunteer for a Host evening to fill the calendar for the year.

Please post you Host selections to this e-mail. Once we have calendar finalized we will provide to membership and Sponsors.

Paul & Jutta Harris
OMAS Co-Sectaries