210 Gallon Display - 210 Gallon Filtration

So it's looking a little crowded in there, because I hae yet to permanently mount a bunch of corals. So they are on the rocks they came on, which are taking up some space. As soon as I get the frag tank online, and the new display gets here, it will look more like the 3 islands that I had planned on.

Current Stock list:


2 Tomato Clowns
1 3 Stripe Damsel
1 Scopas Tang
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang


Long Spined Urchin
2 Haloween Hermits
2 Emerald Crabs
4 Scarlet Hermits
15 Right Hand Hermits (10 small, 5 larger)
4 Dwarf Zebra Hermits
20 Trochus Snails
10 Astraea Snails
2 Cerith Snails (Hitchhikers)
2 Nassarius Snails in sump
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp


Large RBTA (looks more like a mix of red and green bubble tip)
3 Frags GSP (Thick polyps)
2 GSP rocks (Thin polyps)
Green Button Polyp rock (50 Heads)
Neon Green Pinstripe Paly rock (40 heads)
3 Birds of Paradise frags
1 Purple Digi frag
3 Red Digi frags
Random Red/Green Zoas
Purple Anthellia (lots..)
8 Heads purple tip green frogspawn
10 Superman mushrooms
4 large green rhodactis mushrooms
2 large red rhodactis mushrooms
Galaxy Zoanthids
Lots of ugly mint green palys
Here is a walk through Video of the current System.


I just had to have an emergency shoulder surgery, so unfortunately even though my nice new 210 gallon display tank is ready to be picked up.....might be a while before I can go get :-(
Good luck on the recovery of the shoulder. Had a planned on about a year ago, and the recovery wasn't fun.

Yeah ive been spending a lot of time on the couch the first week. In a sling for 6 weeks. Then physio and stuff should run about 6 months. So its a long one for sure! Not fun
How is the detrius/water change tank doing?

How well is it able to collect and then drain it out?
How is the detrius/water change tank doing?

How well is it able to collect and then drain it out?

It's probably one of the best things about this tank so far. I'd say 90% of the detritus (flowing through the sump) get trapped here. It's not bad mixing it up to get it all drained, but at the moment I do have two large pieces of live rock in there that prevent me from getting into the corners. But as soon as the fuge is online, those will be gone.

The last time I drained it, I actually vaccuumed up the remaining water/detritus with a wet/dry shop vac. It worked amazing! I've never been a water change guy.... so having this easy system is keeping me on top of things! I've actually been able to change 40 gallons per week while the tank is still newer.

Pick up the new display tomorrow tooo!! :bounce3:
Nice! Glad to hear it is quick and simple.

Ever thought of a power head in there before the water change? Really whip up the water and get it all floating.
Yeah, I actually have a powerhead in there that I turn on when i'm doing a water change to stir things up. But here you can see all the detritus that accumulates in there.

Couple of small updates...

210 is officially in my possession!

I just have to get off my arse and build the stand.

Also picked up a new skimmer. Reef Octopus Diablo DCS300INT. This this is a beast! Here it is next to my SWC Xtreme 250 S2:

And a FTS for kicks

Very nice update.

Do you have a camera that does video? A video showing how it all works and flows might be nice.
Very nice update.

Do you have a camera that does video? A video showing how it all works and flows might be nice.

Yes I do! on the previous page I have a couple videos of the sump room and tank if you haven't checked those out yet.

Otherwise, I will eventually post a video in regards to the water change setup. In fact, I'm about to do a water change tonight or tomorrow, so i'll make sure to film it so you can see how it works.

Couple of new additions (Sorry for the blue washed pics... still using my phone).

Tri-color Tort

Big Bonsai colony - pics do this beauty no justice!

Purple Digi

My long nose hawk has decided to take up residency in my already super sensitive leather. I haven't seen many polyps come out in a few days. Needless to say... he is not a happy camper!

Oh... and another update... after doing a water change... I forgot to turn the valves in the sump, from salty filling, to RO top up. And as you can see... I had tilted the outlet upwards to fill another small bucket. I was bending over to watch the ATO top up so that I could turn the pump off when the water level was nearing the top as I always do. Well I caught a bunch of RO water right in the face! Whoops. The wife had a good laugh.
