210 Gallon Display - 210 Gallon Filtration

Question for you:

After doing the bleach/acid bath on your rocks, did you cycle them first before adding them to the system or did you just place dead rock right into the tank?

How much time elapsed between putting the rock in the tank and running through all the little algae phases before the rocks were clean again?

Everything looks great so far
Lol, doesn't even look like the hawks ever moved.

I know right! He sits in the exact same spot for hours on end. He only moves when there's food, or when the 3 stripe damsel swims by his leather. He dosn't like the damsel, and lashes out at him whenever it swims by.

Question for you:

After doing the bleach/acid bath on your rocks, did you cycle them first before adding them to the system or did you just place dead rock right into the tank?

How much time elapsed between putting the rock in the tank and running through all the little algae phases before the rocks were clean again?

Everything looks great so far

I Acid/bleach bathed the rock in August 2014. I let it air/sun dry for 30 days before adding it to the tank. I added it directly to the tank (with no livestock of course). I Then added about 100 Lbs of fully cycled rock into my sump, in the live rock section. I also added about 40 Lbs of very nice mature reef rock out of another tank into the display. This rock was teaming with life, and had 100% coraline coverage.

So I added the dead rock Sept 6th, 2014. The diatoms were first, for about a week, then came the hair algae. After I saw the hair algae, I started doing a 40 gallon water change every week. By November 25th 2014, the new rock was 40% covered in coraline, and I had only spots of hair algae here and there. It was like it started dissapearing from the bottom up. Probably due to the lights. The last to go was the very top of the rock structures. But in November, I also started dosing vinegar. I upped the dosage every week until I hit 50 mL. I have kept it constant at 50 mL/day since, and I have ZERO algae anywhere in the tank.

It was around December 16th, 2014 that the algae was 100% gone, and the system was starting to boom.
New FTS Video and some corals. Sorry it was terribly edited last minute lol. Make sure to watch it in 1080P !

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/c0pyyjYBIxw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Random lights out shots from this morning.

Tomato Clown nestled into his RBTA

Acro crab in his Bonsai colony

Unknown SPS with longspine in the background

Well.... kind of a sad update. :confused:

Lost my spotted snake eel to the floor. Managed to squeeze out of the lid somehowlast week.

Also... tank is mysteriously crashing. Corals are dying all in a span of about 10 hours. Perameters are just fine. Yesterday morning I was commenting on how well the tank is doing, and how everything is growing in nicely. Colors were great. THEN... came home from work 8 hours later to corals dying all over the place.

I did an emergency 80 gallon water change. Might try to do more tonight, but things aren't looking so good. I've looked for possible contamination and can't find a bloody thing. No idea whats going on, but my guess is something foreign got in there somehow.

Even the frikin GSP is dying!

Once beautiful colored monti now dying

Even the frags in the frag tank are losing color and dying

Sorry to hear. This was such a great looking tank. I also enjoyed your videos. Have you discovered yet what might have happened?
Well, unsure what happened, but things are looking up. Lost a couple small pieces. The 80 gallon water change helped tremendously. Things started to get back to normal after a couple days. Mostly color loss and fading in a lot of SPS. But they are all starting to make a comeback. I have since done another 40 gallon water change and vacuumed the display and frag tanks of detritus.


Red Montipora Foliosa

Fire and Ice Zoas and Birds of paradise (still coloring up from a bleach)

Green acro of some kind


Progression shot

Major Update - system reboot!

Major Update - system reboot!

I have decided that I hate anemone's. And GSP. And green paly's. And all other pest corals. So I have decided to do a complete reboot of my reef tank. The new system will have SPS only. No pest corals. I will leave the pest corals in my fish only setup that I will also be setting up in the fish room.

Inhabitants of the reef tank were all placed in a temporary home in the fish room - I happened to have a 210 gallon 72X24X28 lying around (was going to be my FOWLR Tank). So all the fish and corals got transferred to it. At this time I picked out all the nicer SPS and placed them in the frag tank to keep until the new display was set up.

OLD Reef tank all cleaned out:

Everything transferred to the new tank in the fishroom (soon to be a predator/FOWLR tank) - Frags still connected to the old system in the frag tank.

Everyone looking happy in their new, temporary home

Favorite new fish - Orange Shoulder Tang

And finally, the new tank is up and running! 84"X24"X24", black silicone, black vinyl back, black vinyl bottom and black acrylic overflow wall on the right. Looks beautiful. Still have to do the stand skirting. Going to match the kitchen cabinetry.

Working on the new aquascape this weekend. Thinking one large island on the right, and a small one on the left.

Also put a new powder blue and timid regal in there first to establish territory before everyone else goes in. hopefully the powder blue won't get ich when everything is transferred over.

AND some corals in the frag tank currently:

Started Aquscaping the new tank. Don't like the middle. Not sure what to do with it yet.

Pay no attention to the ghetto lights.... in the process of making my new lighting canopy and I had to gut my 12 bulb current USA fixture for the T5's.

Setbacks.... Heard a loud crack, ran upstairs, and took me a while to figure it out. Just the Eurobrace. Thank god it wasn't the display. Luckily there are only a handful of snails, hermits and a couple tangs in there right now, so draining won't be an issue to fix it.

On a good note... Everyone in their temporary home looks happy as can be. And fat. My fish are terribly fat. I only feed twice a day. But they keep growing sideways..

I'm beginning to think that the large tank forum is where I belong..... You guys are all crazy!
And I LIKE it!!
When I read you were changing over to sps, I perked right up!
How will you fix the cracked eurobrace?
Good luck and I'm interested to watch your tank develop.