220 Inwall - Plan

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Thanks Lon.

Q: what kind of paint is best to use for painting the acrylic. I know everyone uses something different - - will have to check Marc's and Joseph's to see what they used.

Lon, also, I'm plannning on having open access from the front! Right now there will be a 8-9" gap between the top of the tank and the wall.

Not sure how I'm gonna cover the opening yet, but there will be some type of door used so that I can access the front whenever I want.
I'm not sure about paint; I haven't got that far either.

I wish I would have put a door above my tank.

On what to put above your tank.. If you are thinking like a cabinet door then I have a link of a place that makes oak doors and they really cheap too. You could make one door that goes all the way across the tank or two different doors. If you want the link I will have to find it, I canââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t get RC to do a search right now to find it.
My tank has some type of coating (paint I assume) on the back panel. Joseph tried to get me to scrape it off, but I resisted that temptation. Since coralline or other algae grows on the back wall, I didn't expect to see much back there, to be honest. Maybe one day I'll scrape off some from the bottom section, just to watch the fish sleep. No wait, that won't work because the refugium lights are on all night and they'd lose their dark privacy. Nevermind.

I did paint the ends of the walls black, so that the wall wouldn't be noticeable through the glass. This really only affected the end panel, as the back and overflow covered the other one.
Thanks Lon. Actually, I want to do the opposite. I want to make the access door as hidden as possible. I have some ideas up my sleeve! Either way, I want to make it look like theres no door. Thanks for the cabinet tip thought!

Which reminds me -

Melev: I might be off here, but didnt you make some kind of canopy for a small tank of yours that had some nifty, creative interlocking piece of wood? Its been in my head for awhile now but I havent sifted through your thread to find it yet.

Edit: PS, Meleve, just saw your post about the paint. good point about the corraline. that will surely prevent me from being a peeping tom. :D
I've seen that one before, but thats not the one I'm thinking of. hmmm, I know I saw something somewhere on RC -- maybe just giving you credit for it marc?

i'll have to look around for it somewhere. i'll be back...
Alright, here's a really crude drawing of what I'm thinking.


The idea is that there are no metal or moving parts. Its a removable "cover" that is held in place by wood "grooves", like a tounge and groove, method.

I know what I saw! I seen what I seen! Somewhere! :rollface:
I knew it!! Yes, thats exactly what I was thinking for my access panel in the front.

No idea what to make it out of, or the exact design, but I want it to look just like the wall. I figure it will need to be light enough for removal and would sacrifice any automatic pieces if need be.

Also, the openening will be both on the front and the side. that could make it interesting!~

Thanks Marc.
FWIW, my own canopy will be a design that slides straight up and lowers straight down. It will be an L-shape that covers the front and side, and once lifted will give me access from both areas.
Cool. Come on - details. How is it going to work?

I need mine to be low tech and low budget. But I'd still be interested. If its on your site just let me know.
Bryan, it is in my head. I just have to have the time build it one day. It will be low budget, as far as I know. I'll need plywood, drawer tracks, drawer guides, some pulleys and weights, and then the stuff needed to trim and varnish it.
Then thats all thats needed to make it happen some day!

Look forward to it. In the meantime, I'm going to employ something similar to your design above. Thanks.
Marc told me the plan he has for that canopy while visiting him. It will be truly sweet once completed.

I think it`s a great idea for in-wall tanks that have 2 sides viewable.

Now, if we could actually see it that would be even sweeter ;)
Sorry Marc, couldn`t resist :D

Marc, put something together in a graphics program to whet our appetite (and steal the idea :D).
If I was good with graphics, my website would be so much better. I really need some plumbing graphics drawn up some day, to visually answer questions that come my way frequently.
I might be able to help. I dont have a graphics program but I'm a whiz with powerpoint grahphics and MS paint - check out the drawings in the beginning of this thread.

Anyway, if you want to send me a hand sketch I could easily put something together.

Either way, I wont be putting on my cover until the tank's all done so I can wait!


Major update over the weekend...

After arrogantly thinking the tank would be easy to get off the ground and onto the stand b/c it was much easier to move in the house a few weeks ago, I "hired" just one person to come by Thurs nite to help me do it. Not gonna work. We quickly decided the two of us werent getting this thing off the groun d-- much more difficult than sliding it out of the back of my brothers truck a few weeks ago. The problem is picking this thing up directly off of the ground.

Anyway, we decided to wait until we had a few more people. On friday night, after sever drinks, we had the guts to try it with one more person, and two ladies standing by for back up. It worked!

My wife snapped pictures and, in the middle of it, dropped the camera to help at the very end.



Assessing the situation


In position, ready....


(I immediately fell directly backwards into the wall on the first attempt. I switched positions with my larger brother).


Dont drop....


The gentleman left standing is the one person who was there on btoh moves. He deservingly stands proud.

From the back


Well, another milestone passed. Its so exciting to see it up and have a better idea what its going to look like!

More updates coming soon.
Looking great! That tank is a perfect size for the wall; I think it's going to look really great being viewable from the left side as well.. Definitely a centerpiece in the room!

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