Anybody know how to prevent your browser from going "BACK" when you hit your Backspace key??? I just lost, for the billionth time, my post while writing and hitting the backspace key to edit the text.
AHHHHHHH. Anyway, here I go again...
While I continue to contemplate my lighting choices, I figured I'd post some pics to update on my progress.
1) First, some pics of the plumbing of the 15G Holding Tank.
(for those of you who havent read this whole thread, I'm implementing sort of a "QT/Holding Tank" to be used for housing specimens AFTER QT and BEFORE release into the display. Not sure if it will pan out to be anything great, but I got the idea when I saw this 15 gallon glass tank, pre-drilled, for sale at my LFS for like $15!)
Anyway, the first pic here shows the branch in the Return plumbing off to the side:
It drains in the back via a simple bulkhead I made out of PVC Male/Female threaded unions and rubber gaskets. You can see it in the back right where it drops below the stand:
Underneath the stand it crosses over to the sump:
The split downwards is for my future Rubbermaid fuge I'm going to install. It splits down via a ball valve. The rest continues to the sump return (below):
And then joins the rest of the plumbing to the return area.
2) Next, I have pics of my water filling process. I originally grabbed the camera b/c I laid down the 50lb bag of Southdown. Pretty exciting!
I'm a fan of the look of a sandbed. Dont want a barebottom or a DSB. So I'm going with about an inch or less of Southdown.
3) The filling process. I already have 75 gallons of RODI sitting in my sump. But I've connected my RODI directly to the display. I'm not able to let it run all day and also have it trickle slowly into the tnak without disturbing the sand too much.
Exciting! I woke up this AM and had a few inches of water already. Bought some extra (25') tubing last night to do this and also to employ the "warming" method Marc pointed me to so that it will speed up a bit.
EDIT: here's another photo I found - cool pic looking through the tank out to the main room: