Thanks for the input about the cycle. I think I'm gonna do both - add the live rock (if its clean from the cooking) and add a shrimp to start an ammonia spike.
gkarshens -
One other thing to note, if your live rock has a lot of sponge growing on it don't expose it to air or they will die and cause an ammonia spike.
- Intersting. I know when the rock was in my 75 it did have some sponge growth. BUt not since I moved it. All gone.
Marc -
If you have enough LR, and it sounds like you don't, and it is fully cured and stays submerged, then it is possible to set up a tank with no obvious cycle. With a 220g tank, you'd need at least 220lbs of LR, if not more like 300lbs (1.5lbs/gal).
- Youre right, I only have 100lbs at the present time. Planning on buying another 100 or so of base rock. But, with only three fish it should be ok to handle the bioload, right?
Marc -
As long as you add things very gradually, you'll never see a spike because as the new addition expels waste, the bacterial population in the tank will increase to handle that load. Three fish will be fine. A few soft corals won't add any problems. But as you add more fish and corals that require feeding, that is when things can get dicey.
- Oh, so maybe I dont need a shrimp to kick start it? Just put the rock in for a few days and check the levels before adding the 3 fish gradually?
Marc -
Remember to seed your sandbed with some LS from some estabilshed tanks.
- Yea, I knew this ahead of time, so I was keeping a portion of my old sand bed ahwile for some time. But then it seemed like a waste of time so I let it die. I am very wary of taking in something from another person's tank. I really dont want to risk, as you say, getting unwanted pests or diseases. Shouldnt my already seeded live rock be enough?
Or do I need the benefical sand bed critters too.
Keith -
Maybe this has been brought up before, but is plumbing the QT into the main system a good idea? I know that a lot of people drop the salinity to get rid of ick, etc. Would you want to do that to your whole system?
- No, youre right. But the QT tank you see plumbed into the rest of the system is more of a "holding" tank, rather than a true, QT. I have a seperate 20g QT tank to the side. The holding tank is a idea of mine that I'll have to see if it pans out.
Update: got home tonight to find the sand storm still brewing! I thought it was just from initially adding all the salt but I guess it kicked up the sand. The temp is up to 78 and the salinity all looks fine! I see alot of peopple running their skimmers duing the sand storm - is that a good idea?